Chapter 17

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Hi! So as you all know I'm WiFi-less. But my Uncle turned on his hotspot for me! Yaaaaay!!! So I'm not gonna ramble to you lovelies today but I do want to thank you. We reached 4.04K reads and I couldn't be happier. I'm so happy that your all enjoying this I don't pay attention to the statistics like people say I should because I don't want to see you perfect lovelies as numbers and percentages on a graph. We're a community, a family, and friends. We care about each other and try to help in any way we can. So thanks for all of your love, YOU'RE AWESOME, AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, AND PERFECT enjoy the chapter. It's been real!


I couldn't believe she actually did what I suspected she'd do.

??- Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna answer my question, Dan?
D- Don't call me that. Only my friends can call me Dan.
??- Whatever. Just answer me.
D- I don't talk to people who abuse my friends, Tina.
TS- Are you ever gonna let that go? You have to let go of that grudge some time.
D- Maybe when I'm dead. But there's no guarantee.
TS- Regardless of your reason for being here I'm going to have to ask you and your friends to leave.

I stood there refusing to move. My fists are clenched tight enough for my nails to dig into the palm of my hand. How does she know I'm not alone? She's either bugged this place or there are hidden cameras. I slowly surveyed the room taking in my surroundings incase things don't go too well.

TS- Come on Dan just get your friends and go, I'd hate to mess up that pretty face of yours.
D- Go to hell.
TS- Oh Danny, I thought you were smarter than this.
D- I could say the same for you, but I'd be wasting my breath.

She chuckled before giving me a devilish grin. She checks her phone and raises her hands in surrender. Suddenly she reaches behind her back then Torey and Ali jump in front of me. *BANG BANG*


Ali and I are hiding in the bathroom. I'm still tied up and extremely uncomfortable. She's sitting by the door listening quietly.

T- Ali will you untie me please?
AS- Not until I know I can trust you.
T- Why don't you trust me?
AS- Two reasons. First if I untie you then you could attack me. Second you work for a group of people that are trying to practically kidnap Ally.
T- If I wanted to attack you I would've just fought you guys when you first attacked me. Second I said I worked for them as in past tense.
AS- ...... Fine I'll untie you but one wrong move and I'm grabbing the handcuffs.
T- Deal.

Ali untied me and we opened the bathroom door a little listening to Danny's conversation.

T- Oh no.
AS- What? Why the 'Oh no'? There shouldn't be any oh nos.
T- Why's Tina here she shouldn't be here unless.... shït.
AS- What? What are you not telling me Tomsovic?
T- She installed hidden cameras.
AS- Why is that a bad thing?
T- She was waiting for you guys. She must've bugged your car and she's trying to get to Ally but Danny is the only person actually in the way of that. So she's-
AS- She's here to get rid of Danny.
T- We have to stop her now.

As Tina pulled reached behind her back Ali and I jumped in front of Danny as we heard the gun go off. *BANG BANG*


Me and Ally are lying on the couch cuddling and watching AHS Coven on Netflix. She told me all about her past relationships. Now I know why Tina had such a large impact on Ally and I don't like it.

A- Dude I still don't get why you actually like coven. You can explain it fifty times and I still won't understand.
S- Oh come on Ally what's not to love?
A- Everything
S- *laughs*

As I start the next episode, Ally gets a phone call.

A- Hey Dan what's up? WHAT?! When? Where? Shït shït shït.... Where are you guys? We're on our way right now.

Ally looked at me as tears filled and clouded her green eyes. She was scared and angry it was so visibly obvious.

A- We have to go.
S- Ally what's happening?
A- I'll tell you in the car we have to go now.

Ally's voice was shaky and cracking with each word. I nodded and we gathered our things and ran out of the house driving to an unknown destination.

S- Fill me in please.
A- Listen carefully.

Written on December 26th, 2015 at 7:45 PM EST
Published on December 26th, 2015 at 11:22 PM EST

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