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Marj P.O.V

I remember lights, darkness surrounding me but theres a blur image of orange in my memory too.

I open my eyes expecting to be dead or in a gurney but no.

I'm met with him. Him, as in the Kenny himself. Bebe's boyfriend. The hottest bad boy in the whole school.

Then thats when it hits me.
He had saved me. Even though me and his girlfriend are enemies now, he saved me.

"Are you all right?" He asks his voice filled with concern.
Snapping out of thoughts as i nod trying to get myself up but freeze as i soon realize his face is just inches from mine.

"Um..er..yea i-i guess, I'm not dead am I?!" I stutter still flustered that he's just inches away from my face.

He chuckles "No your not dead, but here let me help you up." He gets off me and extends his arm out to me for me to grab.
I take it then freeze as i feel his arm snake around my waist helping me up.

Why am i feeling like this?! My heart feels like its gonna burst any minute now. But mostly why did he save me?

"Oh my god im so sorry Miss i didn't see you are you okay?!" A guy said coming towards us getting out of his car.

I was about to answer that it was okay, that it was my fault but kenny beat me to it.

"She's fine sir just go back to your life like nothing happened." Kenny says i have to say a bit too harsh but i feel his grip around me tighten as in trying to protect me.

The guy nods and waves bye as he drives off without a trance.



I whip my head around then smile as i see a familiar red head coming towards me.

"Oh my god Marjorine are you hurt? Do you need to see a doctor? How many fingers am i holding up?!" He says acting like a mom which making me laugh but smile as i know he cares about my health.

I put down his fingers "I'm fine and im not blind stupid." I say making him let out a sigh of relief.

Then i see his eyes trail down to wear Kenny was still holding me quite securely.

"Whats going on here?" He says trailing his eyes to me then Kenny then his arm around my waist.

"Oh..um..nothing he just helped me up thats all!" I say about to move Kenny's arm but his grip tightens causing me tense up again.

"She needs a little help standing up after hitting her head and back on the impact." He says quite smoothy i must say.

Wait why is he saying that im not hurt. Am i? I dont think so. I'm pretty sure I know my own body when in pain.

"What?! I can tell you that i can perfectly stand up on my own!"

He smirks "Alright let's see." He says letting go of me.

Once he lets go of me im fine. For only a few seconds when then i feel sting of pain on my back causing me to trumble forward.

Kenny quickly catches me his face again only centimeters away from mine. "What was it that you were saying? That you could stand up perfectly fine but you couldnt stand for even 1 second."
He smirks at me causing me to blush in embrassment.

We both hear a cough causing us to snap out of each other gaze with my face still beet red.

"Well..um Marjorine are you sure your fine i mean you cant stand up, Kenny proved that." He says muttering the last part. Almost sounded like jealously.

"Oh um im fine really just a little sore from my back and head but ill manage but thank you...um.."

'Shoot whats his name again?!'

"Kyle. My name's Kyle, sorry i never told you before." He says rubbing the back of his apologetically.

"Kyle! Well thank you Kyle you red head." I say scruffing his already messed up hair. He laughs then he hugs me whispering into my ear "be careful" before walking off waving before doing so.
'What does he mean by that?'

"Do you need a ride home?" Kenny asks snapping me out of my train of thoughts.

I shake my head. "No no ill take the bus home or call Butters or someone to take me home! I dont want to bother you anymore so ill just go now an-" I'm cut off as he picks me up bridal style carry me across the street. I feel my face heat up as i realize that everyone from the restaurant is staring at us including Bebe. Who looks furious.

Then im put on the back of a motorcycle with Kenny giving me helmet.

"Put it on im taking you home." He says putting on his helmet.
I just stare at him completely dumbfounded.

He then gets on starting the motorcycle without warning causing me to wrap my arms around his waist.
'He feels so strong and musclier'

I blush as the wind prickles my skin and the scent of oil fill my nose.

"Alright were here." I open my eyes seeing that we are indeed at my and butters house.

Even though the ride was great but that was my first time on a motorcycle and with a cute boy in front of you doesn't help you try and calm down either.

I take off my helmet and give it to him as i get off.

Im about to walk inside when then I remember something.


He takes off his helmet revealing his blue eyes that anyone would fall for instantly


'God even his voice his hot'

I shake the thought out my head, really marj not now.

"Thank you, for saving me it really means a lot since I'm just the new girl and you barley know me as Butters twin and all an-"

He chuckles "Man you sure do talk a lot." He smirks.

I blush at his statement that I know is true.

"But your welcome. It sure was fun saving you though, we should do that again." He winks then drives off on his motorcycle leaving me still dumbfounded by what just happened.

I smile and whisper "Well today was interesting" as i open the door to my house slowly closing it behind me.

Hey everyone!

Here's the new update that i promised!

And if you wanna hear Kenny's P.O.V just comment down below and vote please! Thank you! :)

Please check out my "South Park- One shots" i would appreciate it if yall did!

Thank you guys!! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2015 ⏰

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