Who's the new girl...Wait What! Twins?!

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*South Park belongs to Trey Parker and Matt Stone!*

(Warning: This chapter is kinda long so please dont get mad me!!>.<)

Kenny's P.O.V

It's always the same thing everyday. Wake up, put on my uniform, say bye to my lame parents who always get arrested on that dumb T.V show that got us taken away over an over again but some how we always come right back.(An: He's talking about the T.V show in a episode of South Park called "White Trash in trouble" that got his parents arrested blah blah...yall probably already knew that .-.)

Then get on the same old crappy bus as the same fat,grouchy,old lady opens the door and drives around like a maniac. It's like she wants to kill us all,but i couldnt blame her since sometimes i would like to shoot some of these idiots.

Anyways like always im suppose to be the quiet "pervert" one in my little group of friends and just sit there listening to Clyde talk about his one night stands that "he" says have every once a week and describes every detail of how it went.Of course Stan would throw up like he usually does while Cartman would call him a pussy and kyle just freaks out of how his throw up looks, you would think he would be used to it by now but guess again.

Usually i would normally pipe in and say something even more gross that would make all the boys gag and earn more throw ups from Stan,but i just wasnt in the mood for talking at this moment. Stan looked at me then gave me a confused look. "is there something wrong kenny? You're more quiet than usual."Stan asked which caught everyones attention making them agree.

"Yeah now that i have notice you havent said a word since we got on the bus" kyle said giving me "are you okay?" look. "Leave him alone you guys hes just probably sore from last night right kenny!' Cartman said while earning some laughs. i just rolled my eyes at him and looked out the window.

Well let me tell you a little secret. The truth is that im not really that much of a pervert, I know shocking right? I just act this way. I dont really know the reason myself but i guess to keep people off my chest but that clearly doesnt work. People say that I had slept with millions of girls every night but that's not true at all,in fact im really a virgin. Okay now please don't go screaming your head off and say im a huge liar but it is the truth. I just "say" that i slept with so many girls to keep my "pervert" image.
But just because I may be a virgin doesn't mean that I can't freaky if I want too. ;)

The bus suddenly stopped making us hit our heads in the seats in front of us and giving us a big bump on our foreheads. We all groaned and rubbed our heads which making some Cartman to cuss out the bus lady. I have to say it was pretty hilarious to watch. "Guys were here! And Cartman lets go its not worth cussing at the old hag anyways" i said getting everyones attention and everyone started to get off the bus. I heard the bus lady screaming at me about calling her an hag but i wasnt in the mood so i just ignored her even though i knew i would probaly get detention but i didn't give a fuck about anything at this moment.

I walked through the doors of what i like to call "another dimension of hell". South Park High.

I'm a junior so i practally know where im going. As usual as being the quiet one,I just walked behind stanand kyle while some girls tried to get my attention or try to ask me if im free or something,but as i said,i just wasnt in the mood for anything right now.I know i might seem like some bitch on their period or something but hey at least i didn't break anyone's nose, yet.

I saw Cartman already being the bully he is, picking on some nerdy scared freshman. I just rolled my eyes and kept walking to our homeroom, i dont even know why i even hangout with that fatass in the first plac,i thought to myself. I went in the classromm and sat in my chair,which was now at the front of the classroom instead of the back of the room which made me groaned while i sat down.

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