2. Time to Leave

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Derrick's held his head in his head as he sat on the edge of the bed. His phone violently vibrated on the small night stand. He knew it was his sister Cristina. He was scared to pick up the phone, scared of what was to come. The phone stopped vibrating momentarily. He looked up in relief but it began again and he cursed low underneath his breathe.

He looked back over his shoulder at Olivia. The sheets covered her warming her up. The girl seemed like she was at peace. Her bright red hair was scattered across her pillow and a soft smile was glued to her face. Derrick just wanted to climb back in bed with her, but he knew that wasn't possible. Not with the life he lived. Derrick wanted to be with Olivia so badly. He loved her but he couldn't chose her wouldn't chose her over his family, and until the urge for it to happen came he knew what he felt to Olivia could fade. It could change but he would always love his family. He loved her but he wasn't in love with her so until that day came she had to wait.

His eyes closed and opened as he reached for his phone. He quickly sped into the bathroom and picked up his phone.

"Cristina, what's up?"

"Don't what's up me Derrick. Where have you been? I've been calling you for days now." Cristina screamed through the phone making Derrick pull away from it slightly.

So annoying he thought.

"I've been busy  w-"

"Olivia?" Cristina cut him off.

"No I just w-"

"Wanted to be with her before we left again. I know, I know, but Derrick we need to-"

"Go! I know that Cristina damn! I just wanted some time with her. Some time to myself is that so hard to ask for? I know we have a job but I have a life too. I'd like to enjoy it while I can." Derrick snapped back at his sister.

"Derrick I-I'm sorry." His sister spoke softly.

Derrick heard the creaking of the bed and a yawn. He knew he had been too loud. He silently cursed.

"Derrick I really didn't mean to hurt y-"

"It doesn't even matter anymore. You already messed things up. Just get my things and bring it to the airport. I'll be there in about two hours or maybe less thanks to you." Derrick finished off defeated.

A soft knocking started pn the door."Babe you okay? What's wrong? Why were you screaming?"Olivia questioned.

Derrick squared his shoulders and prepared for war. Olivia hated that he was always on the go. She knew she had his heart but he'd never wanted for them to settle down. The boy was like a bull except it wasn't red that made him charge for the hills but commitment. Commitment to anything but his family.

Derrick carefully opened the door. He came face to face with his angel. Her pink lips a little to swollen from too many kisses. Her big green doe eyes stared up into his with concern.

"What's wrong?" She crossed her arms.

I can do this. Derrick thought.

Her chest flew forward in Derrick's shirt that adorned her small frame. He closed his eyes and sighed trying to focus. Do it for the fam Derrick, do it for the fam. He chanted softly. His eyes opened meeting an annoyed green pair. Olivia knew straight off the back that the only time Derrick acted like this was when that dreaded time came. She knew he had to leave. They both knew it.

A nasty wave of guilt hit Derrick.

"I'm sorry." He finally spoke.

She silently hissed and held up her hand."Save it."

Derrick extended his hand towards her and she smacked it away. Hurt clung to him at the disappointed look in her eyes.

"You always do this Derrick!" She yelled throwing her hands in the air.

"Olivia you know I have to go. I have a family to take care of. I can't  hel-"

"That's not what I'm talking about you retard!" She marched over to Derrick and place a hard finger on his chest." You always come back and do this." She pointed to her bed and then to her body. Derrick's cheeks heated up." You take me out on these amazing dates, tell me how much you love me, then we're rolling around in the sheets all happy and feeling on top of the world then, boom! It's all done."

The girl hit Derrick's chest. It wasn't hard but it had him feeling terrible. Small specks of tears crawled down her face. Derrick quickly wrapped her up in his arms in desperation.

"I'm sorry, I swear I am. I didn't mean for you to wake up I w-"

"What!?" She growled leaning back from Derrick.

Derrick face palmed himself. He knew he had his slow moments but boy was that the wrong time to slip up.

"So you were just going to leave? You weren't going to properly say bye?" Her eyes searched him for an answer. When there was nothing everything went crazy.

Screaming and cursing could be heard as Olivia shuffled around for Derrick's clothes. Olivia's next door neighbor stood outside patiently at her mailbox. She was staring anxiously at Olivia's house. She knew the girl to be a humble and sweet one but the noises she heard last night and was hereing right now sounded far beyond that.

All of a sudden Olivia's door flew open. The Red heads hair was a crow's nest and she was swiming in the shirt she had on. A look of fury clear as day on her face. She began to throw out clothes onto the lawn and cement walk way to her house.

"Oh dear." Mrs. Wade, Olivia's only audience member whispered.

Mrs. Wade figured the girl was throwing boy clothes since she saw more than her share of boxers. Olivia began to pull someone towards the door.

"Get out of my house!" She yelled pulling at Derrick.

Tripping over his feet the boy fell. He stumbled down the dew steps to Olivia door and landed on his butt.

Mrs.Wade looked on shocked. So much for sweet and humble.

"Olivia come on baby please." Derrick said jumping to his feet."I swear on everything I love I didn't mean it." He apologized.

Olivia let angry tears fall." Don't come near me. I need time to myself away from you. Come back when you know how to treat a girl." She slammed her door shut.

Derrick was ready to get up when the door opened up again and out flew his shirt that she was wearing. It hit his face the same time the door closed.

Derrick bit back tears as he picked up his clothes. He really messed up now. Everything would have been fine to if it wasn't  for Cristina.  Derrick hissed and turned around stomping his way to his car with his clothes. A loud gasp caught his attention.

There was Mrs. Wade gaping at the boy. He was only in his boxers. Derrick cursed as he  hastily threw on some clothes in his car all of a sudden remembering he was half naked.

He looked down at his watch. About half an hour had went by from the time he called Cristina. It would take him an hour and then some to get to the airport so he'd be on time.

One thing was certain he needed time to think about his actions.

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