3.Coming to Town ( part 1)

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"Are we there yet?" Victoria asked.

Randy turned to her and shook his head."Almost, we have just a little longer to go. We'll be there soon."

Victoria grunted and dropped to her knees. The vicious heat eating away at her skin. Her light brown eyes threatened to roll back for the excessive amount of sun. Victoria was a vampire and while sun unlike most legends told didn't turn her to ashes it didn't make her sparkle either. What it did do was burn up the blood in her when she was in the sun too long. 3 days to long to be exact.

Randy rushed over to his girlfriend suddenly whipping up a bottle of blood and an umbrella out of thin air. The girl ripped her gifts from his hand. Victorias pupils dilated and glowed as she gulpped down the blood in one go. Her mind slowly became clear of the haze that just moments ago wanted to consume her.

"Why didn't you say something?" Randy growled a deep frown etched into his face.

Victoria rose to her feet and he followed." I didn't want to bother you with wasting your energy more than needed."

"It wouldn't have killed me, but it could have killed you." He turned to his girlfriend and pulled her close."Don't do that again. You had me scared for a minute." He placed a kiss on her head.

Victoria smiled and looked up at the boy."I'm sorry, I won't do it again." He smiled down at her.

"Good let's get going then."

The couple arrived in town just hours later. The tedious sun was finally setting as the two made their way to an hotel not far from the entrance of the town. It read Maybeline's Corner. It seemed good enough for the two lovebirds. As long as they were together it didn't matter.

"It took us all day but we made it." Victoria smiled in relief.

Randy intertwined their fingers together as he nodded mobing towards the hotel doors.

The interior was nice. Red carpet covered the lounge completely. Beautiful brown and beige furniture adored the room. Rows of small sparkling chandeliers brush over their heads. The outside wasn't much to look at but the inside was much more deserving of words.

The two were walking to the registration desk for a room when a black bottle flew by their heads. The bottle crumbled to bits under the pressure of the wall. The women behind the desk screamed in fright. Everyone looked to the direction the bottle came from. It was towards the bar.

On the floor were two men, upset, sweaty, and swinging. One man had dark hair and was quite muscular while another was fairly built with blonde hair. The crowd watched in shock. No one daring to break the fight up. Well none except Midnight.

The girl was smiling simply sitting on the bar stool with her glass in hand when the two bodies collied with her chair. She hadn't seen them coming because she was to focused on her margarita when all of a her chair violently shook. The sudden suprise allowed her glass to slip from her unwilling fingers. She tried to catch it but it was far to late. The glass didn't shatter but I soaked into the carpet being drunk up by the large thing instead of by her.

When Midnight looked down to see what cause her sudden suprise she saw the two idiots wrestling each other. The were now a few feet away from her their fist still swinging. Midnight twisted stiffly in her chair.

"Um, excuse me?" She rose from her chair a little angry.

The men continued to roll around on the soaked carpet. The carpet soaked with her wasted money. Her eyes knitted together tightly. She stood tall walking to the men catching everyones attention and glared down at them.

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