Chapter 16

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Harry's POV:

She's gone, she's really gone. I wrap my head around the fact that she's gone. I'm not gong to be able to see her beautiful face anymore. I will never hear her laugh. Never am I going to feel her lips against mine. Everyone was just siting around, staring at the floor. I hate myself, I'm the reason for all this mess.

"I'm sorry" I whisper loud enough for them to hear them.

"For what?" Niall asked.

"For messing up everything. I knew the kiss was a mistake" I said standing up. "I'm sorry for everything! I know we've been at a distance, but guys were family! Zayn, Niall, Louis, and Liam you guys are my brothers and Lil your my best 'girl' friend. Mallory was and is the best girlfriend! Can we please get over this and move on?" I ran my hand threw my hair. I heard clapping. But it was a one person clap.

"Harry Styles, I love you! Sorry to say this but you've been Punk'D!" This familiar small calm voice spoke.

I turned around on the balls of my feet, there stood Little Mallory. She looked beautiful, she had on a short flowy blue dress. Her long blonde hair was curled. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Wait! I've been Punk'D!" I said throwing my hands in the air. Then camera men walked in, laughing. I had the biggest smile on my face, knowing that Mal isn't dead and she's very alive. I run up to her, she jumped into my arms. She was giggling into my neck. I whispered to her things that I love about her.

* * *

The press has died down about the kiss. Everyone is back together, We all moved back in L.A. We have been in the studio, recording a new song, making tour dates, and thinking for ideas for the music video. Today is our day off, Niall said we should all go to glow in the dark mini golf. It's a good idea. Everyone is coming. Zayn, Perrie, Niall, Louis, Darcy, Mallory, me, Lil, and Liam. Like I said everyone is going. If your wondering who the heck is Perrie, that's Zayn's girlfriend. She's in the band Little Mix. Everyone is so happy for him. With the whole drama thing, it's awesome.

I was in the car, driving to the golf place. I bet everyone was already there, I'm always late to things. Over sleeping is my enemy. I pull in the parking lot, great the paps are already here. Damn there is a lot of them. I get out of the car, making sure to lock it.

"There he is!" One of them called out.

"Harry! Harry!"

"Harry are you dating Simon Cowel's daughter?"

"Harry, is your mother still dating?" What is up with these questions?

I pull the door, I'm greeted with a hug by Mallory.

"Your late" She said unwrapping her hands from my neck.

"Sorry, I was stuck in the traffic" I said looking out the windows, watching those paps, snapping pictures of us.

"Harry, lying isn't right!" Liam said pulling me into a bro hug.

"Okay I was eating, and watching TV" I said blushing.

"That's the Hazza I know." Liam said.

"Yeah yeah! So is everyone here?" I asked looking around.

"Yup" Lil said walking up to me. She was looking behind me. I guess it was the paps.

"Let's go!" Liam said.

Liam's POV:

Laughing again. Everyone is. We're at the 11th hole and Niall is up. He is a pro! Better then Tiger Woods! He's got a hole in one every time. I mean I've gotten 2 but I'm just rusty. All of sudden I felt someone tap my shoulder. I look down to see Lil smiling.

"What are you smiling about?" I whispered.

"Nothing" she whispered back.

"Mmm I'm sure" I said.

"What are you sure about?" Zayn asked.

"Nothing" I said to high pitched.

"You're weird lad" Zayn said.

"Very!" Harry said.

If you were wondering Harry and I are cool. We got over it and made up. Yeah I still think about what happened and I still get angry but I have to timings myself that it was just a mistake.


SO SORRY GUYS!!!!!!!!! Let me give you an update, my computer is broken! I've been trying to type on my iPod and my sisters laptop but its just not working. But here's chapter 16! Sorry if its short but here's something

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2013 ⏰

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