Chapter 3

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*Liam's Pov*

I walk to Sunset street. I look at the numbers on the houses till I got to Papa's V. Yesssss pizza here I come! When I walk in there, people ask me for pictues and to sign things. Then I over hear "Yeah, I broke up with that slut" "Which one" "Ohh Lilyann" "Wooow, you broke up with her, why" "Because, Mallory liked someone else, so I took out the trash". "Ohh really she was trash" I said boiling of anger. "Oh yeah she was" I guess Jake said.

"Ohhh" I said. and I punch Jake in the face. "You jerk off, Lily is so amazing and what kind of man are you wait your just kid" I said shaking my hand from how heard I punched Jake. He trys to punch back but he fails. Wow he sucks at fighting! I smacked him in the head and then he girl hits me in the arm. 

"Who are you" Jake asks. "Liam Payne and your going down" I said beating the crap out of him. Now were throwing punchs at eachother. Then the police show up and they cuff my hands and Jakes. The police officer takes us the cop car and thry shove my head in the car. Ouch. I hit the top of the car with me head!!!!

An hour pasts and I hear Harry's vioce. Then I see Zayn, Nailll, Louis, Mallory and Lilyann. I brighten up when I see Lil. "Why the bloody hell are doing here" Louis said. "I beat the crap out of him" I pointed to Jake in the next holding cell. Lil looks over to Jake and then she does a big gasp. "Hey Lilypad" Jake smirks. Her eyes grow bigger. Marllory takes Lil by the hand and they past past us. "Liam" she shouts. "Yeah" I said. "Thank you" Lil said. "Lad, I hate to say this now" Lou says. "BUT YOUR IN JAIL" He yells.

"Really Lou" Zayn said. "Yeah" Lou said rubbing his arm. I roll my eyes at all of them. "Okay, Liam Payne. Your free to go" The police man said unlocking my cell. Then I see Lil walk back in.

*LilyAnn's pov*

"Gemma. Baby. Doll" Harry calls to Mallory. "What" She said pushing him away in the chest. I need to get this out NOW!!!!! I walk in the holding cells and see the man letting Liam go. I walk up to him and put my hands on his warm soft cheeks I go on my tippy toes to reach his dreamy brown eyes. I stare deeply into them and I just melt! Liam!! I crash my lips on his tender lips. And I hear everyone gasp.

Liam pulls his hands onto my back and I slowy put my hands around his neck. I've always felt safe with Liam and i've alway fancied him too. But shhhhhhh. I pull away from him and bite down on my botton lip.He puts me on his back and were off to the car!! But the worst thing happens! PAPS!!!!!

When we walk outside their camra's flash at us. I swer I just went blind! "Liam, Liam do you like LilyAnn Cowl" One asked. "Liam, were you in jail" Another one asks. I dig my face into Liam's back. I start to tense up when they ask me things. "LilyAnn, were you in jail" "LilyAnn, are you and Liam Payne dating" "Wait, Lil" I hear Zayn and Niall scream but I can't hear the rest. I look behind me and only to see flashing camras!!!

Liam rushes me into the TINY car. I'm push againest the cold window and Liam is up next to me. Then Louis......... oh Louis...... he superman flies into the car. He's on the car floor with his face looking up at me. "Hey babe" He says waving to me. Then out of nowhere comes Niall running into the car and screams "I'm hungery" to the running Harry with Mallory.They land into the car with Mallory un awhere of Louis on the floor. "OWWWWWWW" Lou screams. "I'm so sorry Louy" She said. I let out a little laugh. Lou gives me a death glare. "Where's Zayn" Harry said. We keep getting camra's flashed in our eyes. "ZAYN" Louy screams into the crowd of paps. Then we see Zyan running, jummping and once again he flies in like superman. He jumps in head first, landing on our laps. Harry slams the door shut and screams "GOOOO" to the driver

I look down at Zayn smriking at me. I roll my eyes at him. "What" He said. "Don't get to cumfy there" I said kissing his forehead. I lean my head on Liam's chest and quickly fall asleep.

Fade in: I see everyone sleeping

Fade out

Fade in: "I need food" Niall yells. "SHHHHH" I say trying to hit him but fail epicly.

Fade out

I wake up in my room lying on a naked chest Liam. I look up at him and he's passed out. His face is so cute when he's sleeping. I can't wake that. I lay my head back down on him and fall asleep.

*Harry's pov*

"Mallory! Stop yelling at me" I yell. She pushs me in the chest. "Why didn't you tell me" She yells. "I'm sorry" I said for the 54th time. She stomps off to her room. I go to my room and fall asleep. I wake up arond 5. DINER!!!!!!! I run into the kitchen to find TACO'S. I love taco's!! I bet Niall is already on his 10th one. "Hazzz" Louy screamed. "Hey boobear" I said. I walk over to the taco bar? I make my wonderful taco and sit next Mallory, but she moves over to Zayn. What just happened! I shove my crunchy taco in my mouth. Louis sits next to me and rubs my back. "Lou i'm fine" I snaped at him. "Okay" Lou said. I take another bite and chew.

I see Mallory, Zayn, Niall, Lou but where's Lily? I look around and I see Liam making a taco. I get up and walk to Lily's room. She's laid across the bed. She lets out a little growl when I turn on the lights. I walk over to her ans shake her till she sits up. "What the hell Harry" I got screamed at! "Taco's" I said pulling her hand. "Leave me alone" She says trying to hit me. "Ha, you missed' I teased. Lily lets out a loud sigh. "I'm coming" She grawled at me. See with Lily and me, we have a love/hate kind of thing. I pull her into the kitchen and her hair is all frizzy and messy. I make her a taco and then sit her down next to Liam.

I try to fix her hair but my finger! Zayn puffs and helps me. "OWWWWW" Lily says. "Sorry" Zayn says. He gets my finger out of her brown short hair. I sit next to Lou and he's giving me a werid look. "What" I mouth. "Come here" Louis said pulling me into my room. "Whattttt" I said. "What's with you and Lily" He said. What!? Lily and me? "What do you mean" I asked. "Really i'm not joking" He said strong.

"Nothing is going on"

"Yes there is"




"Then, why did you kiss her"

"Whatt who told you"


"Louy listen. It was just in the heat of a moment. Okay nothing else"

"So you like her"



"Yes, I said it"

"You 'love' Mallory but kissed Lily"


"You. Dog"

"Lou your not getting it! Look and listen. I only kissed Lily because one day we were talking about our feelings and I felt like someone understood me for once. So I kissed her. Thinking I would feel somthing for her. But nothing"

"OHHHHHHH why didn't you just say that"

"Well I was trying to but someone wanted a yes and no battle" I said. We open the door and there's Mallory. "You love me" She said so cute. "Yeah" I said rubbing the back of my neck. She wraps her arms around my wasit. I put my hands around her back. "I love you too" S said making a small smile on my face.


I'm so sorry I haven't been uploading. I'm really sorry!!!!! Just school is taking up my time and I uploaded just for you guys. I still have homework to do LOL. And it's like 9:54 PM!!!! Wish me luck!

One Direction <333

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