Chapter 15

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Harry's POV:

I don't know what I was thinking? I just ruined everything! I did! Liam isn't talking to me. No one is. Not even Mallory. She just stopped. I was talking to her for a while then she just stopped. maybe she got bored of me? I don't know. We were fine and then we were gone. I don't know why that sounded like a Taylor Swift song? I called her up like thousand times! I hate that she's not talking to me, the last thing I said to her was 'I love you'. and she sent back 'I love you too'. We weren't fighting or anything. Maybe she needs her rest and space. I know how girls can get. I'm living at home right now. the L.A tour was over and it was a 3 week break until we go world tour.

"Harold" My mum called from down stairs.  

"What?" I called out from my room. No answer like always. I pull myself off the bed and walk down stairs. "Whaaat!" I whined, I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them... well it was Lily?

"Hi!" She said... a little too perky?

"Hey. Um What are you doing here" I said.

"I wanted to talk to you?" She said with a frown. I went to my room and she followed me.

We sit on my bed. "What's up?" I said.

"Um have you heard from Mallory?" She said. She sounded really worried? Okay now I know I was not the only one not hearing from Mal.

"No. She just stopped texting me like 2 days ago? Why?" Were acting like were strangers.

"She stopped texting me 2 days ago!" She said putting a hand on her mouth? AM I missing something? Or am I just that damn slow today?

"I hope she's okay!" She said resting her head on my shoulder. Does this mean were friends again? What do you think? I think not in another life form. We sat there for a while in this silence... it wasn't awkward, it was nice. Like kind of a thinking awkward. She pulled up her head and looked up at me.  

"I missed you" She said. "I miss everyone" She added. Miss everyone? Is no one talking to her.

"What do you mean?"

"Liam and I are I don't know what we are. I haven't kept in touch with the boys. And Mal just stopped. Darcy, I lost her number. And then you" she said keeping her gaze to the floor.

"I'm sorry" I put my hand on her shoulder. I guess we're not that close anymore because she just shook it away.

"Well thanks for listening to me rant. Um I gotta go" she said.

"Oh. I'll walk you to the door" I said. She followed me down stairs. And to the door. My mum was talking to the driver. She saw us and smiled. 

"Going so soon?" She said.

"Yeah. You know dad! He likes his rules" she looked at me at the last part and frowned.

"Okay well Hun. Give me a hug before you leave." She said

Lily walked into the hug and wrapped her hands around my mums waist. "Have a safe drive home." My mum said pulling away. Lily looked at me and her eyes were red and glassy. I opened my arms and she walked into it. I hugged her tight. She didn't hug back until I tighten my grip. I feel like I'm never gonna see her again.

She hops into the car and it drives off. I feel like she was my long lost sister who I never met and mum didn't tell me I had another sister. But I know I only have Gemma. She's at college. Learning. Getting smart. The normal. I jump back on my bed and slowly dose off.

Louis's POV:

"I should text Harry?" I looked up at Darcy. She nods her head yes. I know I should but I'm just so mad at him! "But what if-" Darcy cuts me off by putting her pointer finger on my lips.

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