Chapter 2

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{Liam's pov}

Next day!

I wake up to find everyone sleeping still. I turn my head over the light brown couch, is Harry going for the stove in the kitchen! No No No!! "Haz back away" I yelled. Lil jumps to her feet. "Back away from the stove" I yelled standing up. Harry raises his hands in the air and stomps off to his room like a little kid he his. I just saved everyone from getting cought on fire.

I sit back down and pat my legs for Lil to sit back down. "I have to get in the shower" Lil said coldly. She leaves the room. What the bloodly hell is going on with her! Maybe she needs a shower to cool off. It is hot outside. I walk past Harry's room and he's on the phone with his mum and Mallory's in his room too. I walk into my room and I drop my trousers and take off my blue shirt. I take off my purple boxers and wrap a blue towl around my lower waist.

I walk up stairs to the 2nd shower because Lil is gonna be in the 1st one. I open the white door and theres Lil almost getting in the shower. "Liam" She screamed covering her self with her pink towl. "I'm sorry" I said walking out of the room. "Wait" She said. "I'm so sorry if i've been mean lately" She said with a frown. "It's fine" I said walking out of the bathroom. OPPPS!!!

{Mallory's pov's}

It's good to be back with Harry and the boys. I miss him so much. We have been best friends ever since pre-K. It all started with glue and hair. Harry and I were 4 and he put glue in my hair and I punched him in the face, then the rest is history. Friends forever is what we always said. I laugh to myself. "What are you laughing at" Harry said.

"Oh nothing" I said looking down. "Okay, i'm really glad your here" He said lifting my chin up. "I've missed you so much, Mal" He said again. "I missed you too" I said. "How much" He asked. "Not as much as you think" I said standing up. "That hurts. Love" He said putting his hand on his heart. "Harry, your heart is on your right side not your left" I said as I walk to my room.

I open the door to my room and I see Lilyann sitting on my bed? "Lily what's wrong" I asked. She turns to face me with makeup running down her cheeks. Her eyes are puffy and red. She looks at her phone then me. "Oh no" I said sitting down next to her. "Yeah" She said while she crashes her head on my thighs. She crying loudly and my heart aches for her. The boys rush in and they see me and Lily crying. "What happened" The said together.

I look up at them and all their faces are on Lily. Liam bends down and wipes the tears away from her cheeks. Louis rubs her back, while Nial stands there not knowing what to do. Zayn leaves to get some tissues for us. "It's okay love" Louis said rubbing her back more. Zayn comes back with a box of tissues. He hands her one and she blows her noes. Niall being Niall laughs and everyone gives him a look. "Sorry" He said.

"J-J-Jake B-Broke M-M-My heart" She said. Everyone gasps but I didn't I knew what happened. "Lil we'll get throw this" Zayn said. "No I-I-I" She trailed off. After 5 more mintues of this I pass her over to Liam and I walk into the hallway. I slide down the wall with some tears in my eyes and wrap my hands around my legs. Harry comes out with some tears running down his face.

"Aww" I said looking up at him. He slides down next to me. "How are you" He asked. "Fine, it's just I hate seeing her like this" I said.

"I know"

"Yeah, she's my best friend"

"Hey, what about me"

"Ohh yeah you too"

"How did this happen and whos Jake"

"Ohh Jake was her friend and then they dated and then he broke up with her. They have been dating for 3 months"

"Wow, poor Liam"


"Oh yeah Liam has always had a huge crush on her"

"No way"

"Yes way. He's daddy direction, he's too shy"

"Lily same"

"She's not daddy diection"

"Noo i meant she's shy too"

"Yeah she's great and Jake's a bloody asshole"

"You can say that again" I said standing up. Harry does too. I look up at him and wipe a tear away from his face. "Thanks Love" He said ever so softly.

{Lilyann's pov}

I hate crying infront of people. I look up at Liam and he's trying his best. I really don't know why i'm crying over Jake. Jake is just a big fat liar. He only went out with me to get with Mallory, my best friend! Uggh I guess that's why i'm crying. And it doesn't help he said he loved me. UGGH! Why are boys so dumb? What am I saying, girls are dumb enough to beleive the crap that they tell us.

I take another tissue from Zayn and blow my nose again. As I lay my head back down on Liam's wet but warm trousers I simply fall asleep.

"Shhhh don't wake her" I heard some one whispered. Then I hear a slap. I open my eyes to find Louis, Niall and Zayn standing above me. "Look she's up" Lou said clapping his hands. I moan and get up. Morning? No it's 1:30 in the afternoon. Ohh. "Where's Liam" I asked. "Getting pizza" Zayn said. Yummmmm pizza.

"Yes, she's back" Niall yelled. I hold my head and walk into the living room part. Harry and Mallory are cuddled up watching The Notebook. Harry could never get tired of this movie. "Hey Lily how are you feeling" Mallory asked. "Fine" I said. We hear a knock on the door and I open it, it's a police officer.

"Is this the home of One Direction" He asked. "Yes" I said. "Well it seems your friend Liam Payne doesn't have any self control" He said. What?


Miranda here I hope you like this story so far. Sorry I haven't been uploading. I've just have to much on my plate. Bye lov yaz xoxo

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