-Chapter 1-

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I had all my bags packed and I was ready to go. My mom was at my house because she slept over and my dad went out to go bring us some food. I was glad I was going to start traveling to far away places, so far my job has brought me to all the states in America and to the most beautiful places. I was a photographer and had a great job working for a magazine called 'Imagine'. I lived in San Farncico in a fairly big apartment and I can not say that I wasn't happy.
I was sitting on the couch watching the morning news when my dad came in with a box of donuts and 3 cups of hot chocolate. "Thank you so much dad, I'm starving!" I get my cup and go sit down with my dad on the table.
"You're welcome sweetie, go call your mother." He says as he takes a seat and starts eating.
"Mom come eat, dad brought donuts." I said and walked back to the kitchen.
"I'm coming.." I heard her say and then saw her walk in as I sat down to eat.
"What time are you leaving Bella ?" My dad asked as he sipped his coffe.
"At twelve, why?" I respond.
"You're brother will come pick you up he's taking you to the ship to help you carry your bags in." He says without looking at me.
"Ok well I will start changing. You guys should start heading home after you are done"I said as I got up and started making my way to my bedroom.
"Ok we love ya sweetie see you when you get back!" I hear my mom say and the door opening.
"Kay, bye mom and dad I love you!" I say and I hear to foot shut. I turn on the water and take a long shower.
I wasn't going to see them for 3 months.
326 words

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