-Chapter 5-

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  He doesn't answer for about 10 seconds, then he says "Noah...". Im not sure what else to say so I just say "Nice name". Wow Im such a dork, I don't remember the last time I talked to a guy besides my dad and Josh. I look up and see him smiling like a cheshire cat and I start to blush.

"Whats so funny?" I ask him really embarrassed.

"Nothing,nothing" he says and looks at his lap with a little smile on his lips.

"Okay I guess.." I whispered to myself. I take a sip of my hot chocolate and its to best thing ever.

  "So Isabella, what do you do for a living?" the curios boy asked me.I started to feel a lot more confident...

  "Have you ever heard the saying 'curiosity killed the cat'?" I answered his question with my question.

  "Yes but cats have nine lives..."he replies and then takes a drink of his coffee leaning back in his chair.

  "You are correct, and to answer your question Im a photographer." I say and I don't know why but I feel as though I can trust him.

  "You're the photographer from Imagine?," he asks and I nod "Wow my dad has been taking non stop about a photographer from Imagine coming on board with us to take pictures, its to most famous magizines in America. Im the captains son, nice to meet you!" he says really happy and shakes my hand.

  "Well thank you its nice to meet you to." I replied. I got up to leave and said that I had to get going cause I wanted to talk to my brother. He asked me for my number so I took his phone and made a contact for myself as 'Isabella📷'. Before I leave I hear him say "I hope to see you again...".

I made it back to my room to see that Josh was gone and everything seemed to be put away neatly. I spot a piece of paper on the nightstand and it says 'Dear Liyah, I wanted to go to the pool and you weren't back yet, everything was put away already so I said why not. Ill be at the pool if you need anything. -Josh' I didn't really feel like going to the pool...

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