-Chapter 7-

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   I ended up going to the pool. I had gone back to my room and changed into a pair of swimming shorts, a bikini top and then I put a shirt over it. I wasn't comfortable showing off my body to anyone.
   I spent the rest of the day with my brother at the pool. Josh was about to leave so I stood up and walked towards the railing.
  "You coming?" Josh said as he picked up his belongings. I wrapped my towel tighter around myself.
  "No I think I'll stay up here for a while longer.." I just wanted to see the sunset. He mumbled an okay and as soon as he was out of sight I pulled it my phone and took a really I nice picture so I made it my back ground. I turned around still on my phone and saw that I had a text message from my close friend Carolina.
C: hey how's the trip going? Any cute europian guys??😊
   I smiled and chuckled because only she would say that to me. Carolina and I had been friends for a long time. We had became friends in the 6th grade, we had P.E and English together.
I: good so far, and maybe...😏
   I smiled and walked straight as I waited for her reply. I walked straight into a pole. I, Isabella Estrada, had walked straight into a pole. I was gonna hate a massive headache by tomorrow. I then heard a faint laugh.. I looked around and say a really handsome guy a little bit ahead of me.
   I walked and stopped right in front of him. Then a said, "Excuse, why is that so funny to you!". It probably was and if I was a bystander I would probably laugh to but it doesn't feel nice to be laughed at.
   The guy had brown hair and green eyes, he was wearing a white button down shirt and black skinny jeans. I was to distracted taking in his appearance that I don't clearly hear him say,"It was funny because a really pretty girl just walked into a pole." and with those 13 words he walked away...

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