-Chapter 17-

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We were all in the cab now, Mason in the front and Carol, Anthony, and I in the back. I was at the end looking out the window, I had my earphones in but only on one ear. I was listening to 'She's american' by The 1975. Carol was beside me and she poked me shoulder.

"Yes? How may I help you madam?", I said in a posh British accent. Carol and I had always pretended to have accents in middle school.

"I have good news,", I nodded for her to continue,"I got a room on the boat and I'm staying with you guys for the rest of the cruise!".

"Oh my god, that's great! We can have sleepovers and this will be so fun.", I'm already jumping with joy as I say this.

"Oh and by the way, you never properly introduced us..", she gave the look and nodded her head toward Mason. You know the look you give your friend when you see a cute guy and wanna be introduced, yep that's the one she gave me.

"Oh right. Well Carol this is Mason, he works with Anthony. Mason this is Carolina, Anthony's ex and my friend.", when I said 'ex' Anthony gave me a weird look.

"It's nice to meet you Mason.", said Carol as they shook hands and Mason said,"Same goes for you.".

We were out of the cab and we were just walking around now. We had saw a small boutique up ahead and we decided to go over there. When we got there I noticed they had a bunch of roses out side and I saw that Mason saw them too.

"Let's go inside and see if we can find any souvenirs.", Anthony said and he pulled Carolinas hand inside.

"Well I guess he was only talking to her.", Mason looked at me and said this with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, they go way back. We all met in middle school, I was a match maker at the time and I got them together.", me and Mason laughed. "Even if they were just middle school relationships..."

"Oh yeah?", Mason said and he picked up a rose,"Well I hope this doesn't turn into one of those 'middle school relationships'...".

He grabbed my hand and placed the rose between my fingers. He put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me close. We both tilted our heads, but I had to tilt up because he was a little taller than I was. We were staring into each other's eyes for maybe just a split second, but I will always remember the feeling.

But suddenly we were interrupted.
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