We don't die

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Song: we don't die by tricky

Kaleb groaned as he leaned his head against the wall behind him. He wasn't sure how long they had been trapped in this room for but he was determined to get, at least Selena out. It was his fault that she was in this mess anyway, Amber seemed to have some sort of hatred towards him that he couldn't understand.

He looked to his left and saw that Selena had fallen asleep on his shoulder, she was scared and with Amber stopping her visits once Selena was put into this room with him, they were tensed waiting for something bad to happen.

Kaleb was glad that she had relaxed enough to fall asleep and get some of her energy back, cause for his plan to work they were going to need to be on high alert.


It had been a week after his best friend had left to god knows where, and Kaleb was definitely starting to feel her absence. They were always together, in school, after school, and they spent most of their weekends together, his mother had noticed a downward spiral in Kaleb starting to happen so she had forced him to join some sort of activity.

That's where Kaleb was heading right now, he had joined an art club. Walking into the room he saw that only six people were in there.

"Hi! You must be Kaleb?" The supervising teacher said walking over to him.

"Yeah, sorry that I'm late I was trying to remember what room I was supposed to go to." he explained his tardiness.

"No worries, and you don't have to come on time or everyday." she told him. "It's just for fun, we don't have rules, basically we just come here talk, and create art."

"Oh ok, so I'm just going to go start creating then." he said awkwardly before sitting down a few seats away from where the group of people were situated.

He had never really been the type of person to have lots of friends. He wasn't shy but he was content with having only one friend.

Bringing out his sketchbook he started on a drawing of a girl in the likeliness of Amber. She was even clutching that damn doll that Amber had refused to let go of as they had grown older. He was just starting on coloring the picture when a girl walked in.

"Hey everyone!" she said looking around the room.

"Well look who decided to show up." One of the guys said from the group.

"Oh, shut up." she replied while pulling off her jacket.

Her eyes locked in on Kaleb, and she made her way over to him. He watched her as she pulled out the chair beside him.

"Hello, my name is Selena, do you mind if I sit here?" she asked him while taking the seat anyway.

"Kaleb, and go ahead." he replied.

Once he decided that she wasn't going to say anything else, he went back to drawing. Selena pulled out her own book and set to work on drawing. After about 20 minutes she finally spoke up again.

"That's a beautiful picture, is it a random person or someone you know?" She asked him.

"She's my best friend, or she was. She moved away last week and I have no idea how to get in touch with her." he answered.

"That's sad, she must of had a reason for doing what she did, and maybe one day in the future you two will meet again and solve everything?" she suggested with a smile.

"Maybe." he replied.

For the last half an hour of the club, he spoke with Selena and started a new drawing. This time of a tree and a bird flying away from the tree.

Over the next three years him and Selena had grown to be good friends, he also had gained other friends and had become more outgoing. He felt truly happy with where his life was going, he had a future planned out ahead of him, great friends, and a supportive family.

Everything seemed to be heading right on track, that was until he got a letter in the mail form his lost friend, Amber.


Amber walked through the woods behind her childhood house, she wasn't sure what she was looking for or how long she was planning on being gone but something was calling to her. Following the calling, she continued into the woods, getting to the part of the woods where the trees were so cluttered together that she could barely get through.

Finally the trees started to thin out a bit and she was brought into a clearing over run by long grass and weeds, little trees sprouted from the ground just reaching under her knees.

But what caught her eye the most was the little wooden house off to the left side of the clearing. She was being drawn to this house and continued on.

The sun hid behind the clouds in the sky, she looked up and noticed a storm cloud, as she was looking at the cloud she heard thunder making its way towards her. Hoping to not get caught in the cross fire she made her way into the cabin. There was a bed, a little table, and a shelf missing two drawers in the cabin.

She sat on the bed trying to find out why she was brought here, and what she was supposed to do. She learned a few years ago that her callings were always for a reason. She laid out on the bed, not caring how old it was or about bugs, and clutching her doll to her chest looked at the ceiling.

The storm had now made itself to her and was pouring onto the little shack causing some parts of the roof to leak. It was then that she noticed a little catch in the wall, like there was something there that shouldn't be there.

Getting off the bed she made her way to the wall and touched the catch, to her surprise the wall moved, revealing a secret room. Looking around the room she noticed a few dolls that looked similar to her own and a few journals.

Picking one of the journals up she wiped away the dust on the cover to see the name 'Sarah J. Burge'.

"So this is what you wanted me to find?" she said looking at her doll who sat silently watching her from the bed.

Pulling the rest of the books out she decided that she would move back to the bed and read them while waiting for the storm to pass.

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