1: Talking About It

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This will be the first part to the pregnancy series. I have pre-written a few parts so this should be updated very often. Enjoy!
It was another rainy day in London. You and Harry were walking the streets trying to get some errands done when the cold rain started to fall again, sending you into the nearest cafe for a hot drink to warm up. After getting inside quickly you stood inside behind a mother and her baby daughter, who looked no more than a year old. Harry got her attention and began making faces at the little girl.

"What are you doing?" You questioned letting out a bit of a laugh.

He turned and smirked at you before returning back to his funny faces, sending her into a fit of giggles and causing her mother to turn around. Harry quickly returned to his normal posture and gave a smile.

"She really likes you," she grinned turning her attention to you and Harry, "Do you two have any kids of your own?"

Harry looked to you and smirked before turning back to her and shaking his head, "Not yet."

You went on to talk to her for a little longer before saying your goodbyes. You and Harry both got your drinks and sat down in a booth near the window.

"She was pretty cute, wasn't she?" Harry smiled.

"She was very cute," you replied.

"I want one," he said.

"What?" You asked, not really sure if you had understood what he had just said.

"I want to start a family with you. I mean what's stopping us. We've been married for two years and everything's going really well for us. I know I want it, don't you?"

Having a baby with Harry had crossed your mind multiple times but you never knew when the time was right or if he truly wanted it too. You had always talked about having kids but never seriously like this.

"Of course I do," you grinned.

"Then lets do it," he encouraged, "Let's have a baby."

He then very eagerly got out of his seat and motioned for you to get up as well. You stood up in front of him and he pushed you towards the door.

"Where are we going?" You questioned.

"Home," he whispered in your ear, "We're going to make a baby."

Your boyfriend Niall was visiting you at your University. Lately you were both very busy so you took any chance you got to see him. This afternoon he surprised you with a visit and as soon as your roommate left things got heated fairly quickly. You were laying on the bed, clothes off, with him on top of you. He reached for under the bed where the box of condoms was typically kept.

"What," he groaned, "It's empty."

He tossed the box on the floor and slumped down on the bed next to you.

"Seriously," you sighed.

"Come on let's just do it anyway," he begged as he leaned in to begin kissing you again.

"No way," you pushed him back.

"Come on (Y/N)," he urged.

"No Niall," you said sternly, "I'm not risking getting pregnant. I don't want to be a mom at 19."

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