20: Insecurities

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You stood in front of the mirror looking at your growing belly. You had gained so much weight recently and you weren't very happy about it. You quickly pulled your shirt down as Harry walked into the room.

"Hey gorgeous," he grinned wrapping his arms around your stomach.

"Don't say that," you sighed pushing his arms off of you.

Your eyes began filling with tears and you went and sat down on yours and Harry's bed.

"Hey, hey," Harry said grabbing your chin, "Look at me."

You tears eyes met his and the tears began rolling down your cheeks.

"(Y/N) what's going on?" He questioned.

"I'm not gorgeous," you sobbed, "I'm ugly and fat."

"Don't ever say that," he frowned, "You are absolutely gorgeous and you are not fat you're pregnant."

"I feel disgusting," you cried, "I've gained so much weight in the past few weeks and I'm getting bigger everyday."

"Sweetheart that's nothing to be ashamed of," he breathed, "You're carrying our daughter and that's a beautiful thing. You growing means that she's getting big and healthy, that's not a bad thing."

"I know," you sighed, "I just haven't gotten used to my body changing so much yet."

"Listen to me," he grinned, "You are absolutely beautiful and please don't let anyone or anything let you think otherwise."

That was the first time you felt good about yourself in a while.

Your back had been hurting you lately and today it was hurting even more than it had been.

"Hey princess," Niall called, "I ran you a bath. It should help you back a bit."

"Thanks Ni," you grinned as he helped you out of bed.

You got into the bathroom and went to close the door behind you.

"Where do you think you're going?" He chuckled.

"I'm getting in," you said.

"I was gonna get in with you," he explained, "Is that alright?"

"Oh," you sighed, "Yeah I guess so."

He began undressing a stopped once he realized you were still standing there, fully clothed, with tears running down your cheeks.

"Hey, hey, hey," he soothed, "What's wrong?"

He pulled you in for a hug and you buried your face in his chest.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I wanna get in but I don't want you seeing me like this," you cried.

"What are you talking about?" He questioned.

"I look disgusting," you sobbed, "I'm huge."

"Oh (Y/N)," he frowned, "Don't ever call yourself that. And you're not huge you're pregnant. You're carrying our son and that's the most amazing thing anyone could ever do for me. Please don't ever think you're anything less than beautiful."

"You mean that?" You questioned.

"Of course I do," he assured, "Now how about we get in before it gets cold."

You hesitated at first but eventually you slowly undressed yourself.

"Absolutely stunning," Niall whispered against your lips before planting a kiss on them.

You got in the tub and the two of you enjoyed some much need time together.

You stood staring at yourself in the mirror. Today you'd be walking the red carpet with Liam at an award show. People had been in and out of your house all day making sure you and Liam looked your best. Only, you didn't feel good about the way you looked at all. You were wearing a floor length black dress. It hugged your stomach tightly. There was a slit up the side of the dress going from your thigh to your feet. You wore sparking silver shoes and a huge diamond necklace. You hair was done up in a bun and your makeup was simple. Normally you would be so excited about days like these but staring at yourself the mirror only made you more and more upset.

"Wow," Liam breathed walking into the room, "You look absolutely stunning."

"Don't lie," you sighed turning to him, "I'm huge. I look like a whale."

"What are you talking about?" He questioned, "(Y/N) you're pregnant with twins. You're not huge, you're absolutely glowing."

"Liam there is nothing pretty about the way I look right now," you explained, "I can't go out looking like this."

"Sweetheart look at yourself," he turned you around to face the mirror again, "You're gorgeous. Those are our girls in there you should be proud to show it off. You have to come tonight. Everyone's going to be talking about how stunning you look."

"You really think so?" You questioners.

"I know so," he grinned.

You did end up attending the award show with Liam and there were in fact articles praising how good you looked the next day.

You and Louis had just had a nice dinner out. The whole time you were out you sensed Louis was looking for a little something more tonight. He constantly had his arm around you, he kissed you every chance he got, and on the car ride home is hand rested on your upper thigh drawing small circles with his thumb. As soon as you got up to your bedroom Louis automatically went for it. He laid you down on the bed and began kissing you. He went to lift up your shirt but you pushed his hands away.

"Louis stop," you ordered.

"Come on (Y/N)," he urged, "The doctor said it was safe."

"Louis I said stop," you yelled this time.

He pulled away to see the tears begin falling from your face.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked.

"I'm just not in the mood," you cried.

"(Y/N) this is way more than you just not being in the mood," he sighed, "Please tell me what's bugging you."

"It's been a while since you've seen me naked and a lot has changed about me since then," you sniffled, "I'm just not very comfortable with my own body right now."

"Oh darling," he frowned, "There's no reason to be uncomfortable with the way you look, you're carrying a baby for Gods sake. You're absolutely glowing."

"I just don't understand how you think this is attractive," you said referring to your huge stomach.

"(Y/N) you are the love of my life," he grinned, "I'm going to be attracted to you no matter what you look like."
Enjoy! Next part will be "Spotted by Fans."


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