13: Picking Names

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        You and Harry had gone through multiple name books and hadn't found anything you really liked yet. You knew you wanted her middle name to be Anne but that's as far as you had gotten.

"What about Brianna?" Harry suggested.

"I don't think it flows well enough," you said, "What about Emma?"

"Way too common," he said, "How about Natalie?"

"No," you shook your head, "I don't think we're ever going to decided on a name. Everything-"

"Wait," he interrupted, "What about Maisie."

"Maisie," you repeated, "Maisie Anne Styles."

"It flows really well," he commented, "It's not too common either."

"I really like it," you smiled.

"Did we just name our daughter?" He asked.

"I think we did," you grinned.

He placed his hand over your stomach and you knew he was no longer talking to you.

"Maisie Anne Styles," he sighed, "Looks like you've got yourself a name little girl."

After you had told your families you were having a boy you were constantly asked what you were going to name him. You had just got off the phone with Maura and of course she asked what the name of her grandson would be.

"Niall can we please name this baby so your mom will stop calling and asking me?" You laughed.

"She's a very persistent person," he chuckled, "Did you have any names in mind?"

"A few," you replied, "What about you?"

"Maybe a couple," he answered.

"You first," you told him.

"Alright then," he sighed, "I like Dylan and Conor."

"I like Aiden and Daniel," you said, "But my favorite has got to be Noah."

"Noah," he repeated, "I really like it."

"And I was also thinking we could make his middle name James," you suggested, "You know, after his dad."

"I would love that," he smiled.

"Noah James Horan it is then," you grinned.

"You want to give him my last name?" He questioned, a bit taken back by it.

You and Niall weren't married, not even engaged, but giving your son his last name wasn't even a thought. It just seemed like the natural thing to do.

"Of course," you answered, "As long as it's fine with you."

"It's more than fine," he grinned.

He pulled you in close a have you a peck on the lips.

"Don't worry," he sighed, "I'm positive one day you'll have that last name too."

You were in the kitchen doing some dishes and waiting for Liam to come home. You hadn't heard him come in so you were taken by surprise when his arms wrapped around you.

"Liam," you jumped, "God you scared me."

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "How are my girls doing?"

Every since you found out the twins were girls Liam's new favorite saying was 'my girls,' referring to the three of you.

"We are all doing great," you smiled, "But I was thinking maybe we should give these girls name, yeah?"

"Sounds good to me," he said, "Have you thought of anything yet?"

"Not really," you sighed, "Have you?"

"A few," he nodded.

"Like what?" You asked.

"Well I really like Grace, Ava, Isabella, and Rose," he said.

"I really like those. What if we combined all of them," you suggested, "We could do Ava Grace Payne and Isabella Rose Payne."

"I think it's perfect," he grinned.

"That was way easier than I thought," you chuckled.

It was early in the morning and you a Louis were lying in bed. Louis had his arm draped over your stomach drawing small circles on your tummy with his fingers.

"What should we name this little guy?" He asked.

"I've thought of a few names actually if you're willing to hear them," you said.

"Of course I am," he grinned.

"Well I really like Patrick, Ethan, and Jacob," you said.

"I think Ethan would be a good fit. What about a middle name?" He asked.

"Well if we went with Ethan I was thinking something like Ethan Daniel Tomlinson," you suggested, "I think it flows nicely."

"I think we have a winner," he smiled, "Ethan Daniel Tomlinson it is."

"Did we really just name our son that quickly," you laughed.

"That was way easier than I expected it to be," he chuckled.
Enjoy! Next part will be "First Kick."


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