23: Last Minute Nerves

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        You paced back and forth around Maisie's room. You went through drawers, and bins, and closets making sure you had everything. You were so worried about not being prepared for her arrival.

"(Y/N) what are you doing in here?" Harry questioned walking into the room.

"Just making sure we have everything," you sighed.

"I think we're ready," he chuckled looking around the room.

"But Harry what if we're not," you began to cry, "I'm so paranoid about not being ready for her."

"Hey, come here," he pulled you into a hug.

"I'm just so nervous," you cried, "I don't want to screw up. I want us to be good parents and I'm afraid I'll mess up. I keep going over everything in my head trying to see if we have everything and I'm just getting more and more anxious."

"Sweetheart take a deep breath for me," he ordered, "You're not going to mess up. You're going to be a great mum I just know it."

"But what if we don't have everything we need?" You questioned.

"I think we're as well prepared as we can be at this point," he said, "You have your hospital bag packed, we've got clothes and shoes and wipes and diapers. Plus you're 32 weeks along, we've still got 8 weeks left to get anything else we can think of."

"You're right," you sighed, "I'm just getting so nervous."

"I know," he rubbed your back, "There's nothing to be nervous about though. We're gonna be fine, okay."

You nodded and he kissed your forehead. The rest of the afternoon he helped you make a checklist of everything you had to do before the baby came, it helped to ease your nerves a lot.

        You sat on your couch scrolling through Instagram. You looked at the pictures all of your friends from college just enjoying the summer while you sat there pregnant at 19. You began to cry and you hadn't noticed that Niall walked in the room.

"Princess what's wrong?" He crouched next to you.

"Niall how am I gonna do this?" You sobbed, "I can't be a mom, I'm 19 for Gods sakes. I'm sitting here on a couch 2 weeks away from having a baby and all of my friends are back at home enjoying their summer."

"Oh (Y/N)," he sighed.

"This is crazy Niall," you cried, "I can't be a mom. Did I really think I could handle this?"

"Hey, hey," he soothed, "Look at me, okay. We're gonna do this together. You can do this (Y/N), I really believe you can."

"But Niall I really don't think I can," you shook your head, "I ruined everything for us. I'm never gonna get a degree and I don't know how you'll be able to work after he gets here. This baby doesn't deserve a terrible mom like I'm gonna be."

"Breathe (Y/N), breathe," he ordered, "You're stressing yourself out and you need to relax. First off you are not gonna be a terrible mother. And you didn't ruin our lives, this baby is one of  the best things that's ever happened to us. We're gonna raise this baby and one day, if that's what you still want, you're gonna graduate with that degree and Noah and I will be the loudest ones cheering you on in that audience. I'll figure out everything with work you don't need to worry about that. Everything's gonna work out (Y/N), I promise."

"I'm sorry," you apologized, "I've just been so on edge lately."

"There's nothing to be sorry about," he assured kissing your forehead.

        You sat at your dinning room table enjoying breakfast with Liam.

"Liam what if we can't do this?" You asked.

It had been on your mind for a while. You were having fears that you couldn't handle twins.

"What are you talking about love?" He questioned.

"We're going from no kids to 2 all in the same day," you sighed, "I'm just scared of failing them."

He placed his hand over yours, "What's making you fear this all of the sudden?"

"I've just been thinking a lot lately and I'm afraid I won't be a good enough mother to handle these two girls," you explained.

"(Y/N)," he sighed wiping away the single tear sliding down your cheek, "You are the most caring, loving, patient, woman I have ever met in my life and I have full confidence that you will be an amazing mum to our girls."

"Oh Liam," you pouted, "I don't know why I've just been doubting myself lately."

"Well that's gonna stop right now," he grinned, "No more of this talk."

You were in the car on the way home with Louis. The ride was silent, leaving you to ponder your thoughts.

"Lou what if we are doing this too soon?" You blurted out.

"Doing what too soon?" He asked.

"Having a baby," you sighed, "What if you were right about what you said when I first asked about having kids?"

"Well it's a little late now down you think?" He chuckled.

"Lou I'm serious," you cried, "I don't want to screw this kid or our relationship up."

His smiled turned into a frown as he watched the tears fall down your cheeks.

"(Y/N) we're not going to screw this baby up," he assured, "And he's not going to ruin our relationship either."

He grabbed you hand trying to comfort you as much as he could whilst driving.

"I know what I said a few months ago but please believe me when I say my opinion has totally changed," he said, "I love you and Ethan more than anything in this world. If anything a baby is only going to make our relationship stronger."

"You really think so?" You sniffled.

"I know so," he grinned.
Enjoy! This series is soon coming to and end:( But don't worry, there will be a Baby Series to follow! The next part will be "Uncomfortable."


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