Chapter 1:Waking up

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Natsu's POV
I slowly open my eyes an see a white ceiling, I look around and realize that I'm at the guild infirmary.
How did I get here? Let's see I remember washing up in the bathroom and Gray, he saw my cuts and showed the guild (asshole)
And then angry Erza, Lucy and blackness that's all I remember. I turn my head when I heard some movements and I see Lucy asleep in a chair
*Third person POV*
Lucy opened her eyes and when she saw Natsu she hugged him.
"Natsu! You're awake, are you okay?" Lucy asked him and hugged him
"Yeah I'm fine but Lucy how did I get here?" Natsu asked her
"You don't remember?" lucy asked
"No" Before Natsu could continue talking Gray and the master walked in
"Natsu my boy are you okay?" Master asked
"Yea and why is everybody asking me that?" Natsu said
*Natsu's POV*
"Natsu do you remember anything?" Master asked
"No! What the hell is going on?" I yelled Geez there acting really weird
"Natsu...remember that you were at the beach and Erza got angry because of Lucy hiding your cuts?"
Master asked
"Yea but after that nothing" I said Can they get to the point?
"Well you attacked Erza and she's in surgery now" Master said and my eyes widened in horror. WHAT?!
This is so awesome! How you like it so far?
Tell me your opinion on the third person point of view
And what happened to Natsu? Find out in the next chapter
Ok Random Question: Can 6 yrs olds talk? please tell me
Well until next time

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