Final Chapter : Explanation

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Natsu's POV

One minute I'm strolling down Strawberry Street looking for Lucy and the next I'm looking at her with a kid next to her which is probably mine since I don't know a lot of guys who have pin- salmon hair.

Lucy runs up to me and hugs me and I hug her back.

God did I miss this woman.

"Is been a while" I whisper

"yeah it has" she says and pulls back.

"Natsu I want you to meet somebody, her name is Nashi she's your daughter" She says introducing me to the pink haired girl.

"Natsu I want you to meet somebody, her name is Nashi she's your daughter" She says introducing me to the pink haired girl

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For a moment i just stare at her and she just stares at me.

"Daddy?" she asks and i can't help but nod

"Daddy!" she cheers in delight and comes and hugs me, and i pick her up and hug her back. I known this girl for less than five minutes and i already love with all my heart.

I got my family back

*Time Skip* (Night Time)

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*Time Skip* (Night Time)

After we put Nashi to sleep, Lucy and i lay in bed just staring at each other until i broke the silence.

"So... um about... nashi" i say trying to get her to explain Nashi. (author: Talk about awkward)

"Yeah... remember the day when i said i was going to the library with Levy?" She says. Of course i remember, how could i forget? It was the day i started cutting

"Yeah, what about it?" i ask not knowing where this is going

"Well the truth is i was really cheating on you"















"The truth is I was at the Doctor because Levy suggested i might have been pregnant because i have been sick that week. I was going to tell and well you know, plus then you had to leave and i couldn't tell you because i knew that you wouldn't have left" She explains.

How did i not notice? Oh right i was stuck with my own depressing thoughts. It brings me goosebumps thinking of that time, not my best memories.

"You should have told me anyway" i say

"But then you wouldn't have left and then what? You wouldn't have gotten better if you had stayed" she says and i know she's right

"You're right" i say and sigh. She puts her arms around my waist and i put my head in her hair, smelling her intoxicating smell.

"Let's just leave it. The past is in the past ( Freaking quote of Frozen dammit)" she says and i kiss her with passion and i realize how much i really missed her.

I really am back home


Hey guys! It's been so long! I'm so sorry! Please forgive for my lateness and this short chapter but i hoped you liked it. Guys, should i just make an epilogue and end it or continue it? Because I'm running out of ideas. Tell me what you think on the comments and hoped you liked the chapter




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