Chapter 2: Guilt and Leaving

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(I couldn't find the original version of the song so I hope you like this one and play it during Lucy's POV)
Natsu's POV
I was sitting next to the bed where Erza is laying. She had a scar at her hipbone which you can't see because of the bandages.The surgery was successful, apparently she almost bleed to death. Why did I do such a thing? Why can't I remember? What or who made me do this? She's going to hate me when she wakes up. Will everyone hate me for this? Will they call me a monster? I wouldn't blame them. I tried to remember what happened but its black and then I remembered something.
*FLASHBACK TIME* (Third person POV)
A 6 year old Natsu was trying to destroy a rock while Igneel was watching.
"Natsu I need to tell you something important" Igneel said and Natsu just continued to 'destroy' a rock.
"Dammit kid listen to me when I'm talking to you!" Igneel yelled
" Ok ok don't get your panties on a twist old man" natsu said and finally paid attention.
"Ok kid listen up someday you'll find a mate. A mate is someone you'll spend your life with, kinda like soul mates. When you find your mate you'll want to protect her no matter what. Whenever she's in danger it'll be part of your lets say 'instinct' to protect her, even going as far to kill. Dragons are protective and possessive creatures Natsu remember that" Igneel said
*Flashback over*
So that's why I attacked Erza, things are starting to make sense. When Erza pointed the sword at Lucy I went Hulk mode (I'm sorry I just had to XD) I need to learn to control this, who knows when this can happen again, I might actually kill someone. I need to go.
*Time skip* (Lucy's POV)
" Guys have you seem Natsu?" I asked the guild. I looked for Natsu everywhere and I can't find him.
"No we haven't" The guild said
"Ok I'm going back home" I said
I'm going to stop by my house and then I'm going to check on Natsu at his house. I entered my house and I turned on the light and I see Natsu sitting on the couch.
"Natsu! I been looking all over for you" I said and hugged him
"Lucy I need to talk to you" Natsu said seriously
"What about?" I asked
"About Erza, I figured out why I did what I did and..." Natsu trailed off
"What?" I asked
"I'm leaving Lucy" he said What?! No he can't leave I need him.
"Why?!" I asked
"I figured out what happened with Erza and I need to control it, if I don't I don't know what would happen, I don't want to hurt you" No matter how much I want him to stay he's right, I can't be selfish.
"I understand but promise me you'll come back" I said
"I promise, will you wait for me? I understand if you don't " natsu said
"Forever and always" I said and I kissed him. That was the last time I was going to see him for a very long time.
Hey guys! this was a long chapter wasn't it? I'm so proud of myself ;.; I hope you liked it and Happy New Years!

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