Chapter 3: The girl with the pink hair

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*6 years later*
Natsu's POV
Finally after six years I finally was able to control my instincts and I'm back home. I can finally see Lucy again, I wonder what she's been up to this 6 years?
Lucy's POV
Natsu when are you coming back? I miss you so much, I'm still waiting for you.
I get up from my bed and go to the kitchen to make breakfast.
I make some bacon, eggs and pancakes.
"Nashi breakfast is ready!" I yell
"Coming Mom!" Nashi is my 6 year old daughter, the only part that I have left from Natsu.
I put both plates filled with food on the table.
Nashi came in and sat down and we started eating.
"Hey mommy?" she asked
"Yes honey?"
"I found a box in your closet and it had a album inside. I saw a picture with you and a pink haired man. who is that?" I never told her about Natsu since it never came up plus she is only six.
"Well Honey that's your father sweetie" I told her the truth. I am not gonna lie to my daughter.
"Then why isn't he here?" I feel bad for her
"You could say he's protecting us but I will promise you he will come back"
"I can't wait for that day to come" she giggles
"Ok let's go to the guild" I grab the plates and put them in the sink.
I grab Nashi's hand and we leave the house. About fifth month of pregnancy I bought a house for us, which is coincidently in the same street as my old house.
While Nashi and I were walking I heard something that made me freeze.
"LUCE!" H-he's back? Am I dreaming?
I turn around and I see him
Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter, I bet you didn't saw this coming didn't you? Next chapter will explain how well you know Nashi came to be.

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