Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

(this one is a little shorter... some Garrett and Jennie action)

The next morning, I woke up to silence. When I opened the door, my jaw dropped. Trash was everywhere and some people were passed out. This was worse than last time, and I yelled for Aiden, but he didn't answer. And none of the bodies sleeping in the couches moved.

I decided to clean up the upstairs hallway and then stay in my room. By 2 pm, the house was finally clear and it looked somewhat cleaned. I decided to spend my time in my room reading and then I got bored and started checking Facebook. I wasn't even sure why I had one. I had only 20 friends. Little things like that could make me feel down. I needed someone and Garrett's face made me decide to take a chance.

'Hey. I need someone to talk to. Can we possibly meet somewhere?' I sent to Garrett.

A few minutes later I got a response that made my heart flutter. 'Old school, 3 o'clock.'

I got to the park early. I had nothing better to do so I left the house early and practically sprinted there. Spring was just around the corner and it was warming up outside. I sat on the swings just like at recess years ago looking at my shoes and just letting my mind wander.

What was I going to tell Garrett? That I like him? Or that his girlfriend had cheated on him last night? I was nervous and before I could think of what I was going to say to him, I heard his voice.

"Hey Jen." his voice was deeper now, but the same. I looked up and gave him the same half smile. It was total dejavu. I just hoped that this time he wouldn't leave.  "What do you want to talk about?" He inquired. My mouth was dry and no words would come out, but then I closed my eyes and sighed.

"I just need a friend." I looked at him from the corner of my eye and he nodded. So I continued, "When my mom died, I pushed people away trying to be strong, but I'm sick of being alone. I need somebody and you're the closest thing I have to a friend right now."
"We are friends, Jennie. We always have been."
"But Stella doesn't want that."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Your girlfriend hates me."
"I bet she doesn't."
"She does."
"She's too nice."
"To you maybe."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"She made out with my brother last night."
"She wouldn't cheat on me. We've been dating since last year."
"She's not loyal to you. She's a sucky girlfriend, and she's a brat."
"Let's change the subject, Jen."
"Fine," I scuffed.
This was not going well.
"Tyler told me that Kylie has to tell him something. Do you know what it is?" Hesitantly I nodded my head yes.
"Is something wrong with her?"
"She's pregnant."
His facial expression was shock. "Wow! That's really big."
"I know right. Of course Ty is the father."
"Yeah they've been going out forever."
'7th grade. That could be us, but one year behind.' I thought. 'Minus the pregnancy part.'
"And I walked in on them once."
"What?! EW! Sick!" He shrieked and I laughed at his reaction.
It was disgusting, but he was acting as if he saw them too.
"Yeah it was gross." I laughed.
"How have you been holding up?" He asked. I suddenly had the urge to cry. I felt vulnerable. I wanted to be vulnerable, but I didn't want to be weak. I tightened my grip on the swing and sucked in the tears.
"Okay. My dad still hasn't been in the picture. I have to watch out for my siblings and that takes a toll on my homework and life."
"Sometimes, I forget how lucky I am to have Mom, Dad, and all of our family so close. I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's fine, I guess."
"It really isn't" His foot dug into the wood-chips. "Why does Stella hate you?"
"I'm pretty sure it's some weird kind of jealousy."
"Cocky much?"
I turned my head and looked him straight in the eyes and then said, "She has no reason to be jealous; I have a broken family and no friends, yet she has been in the past and looks to do things to get a reaction out of me."

He looked me eye to eye and examined my face. I could feel hot tears coming, but I pushed them back again looking at Garrett's face too.
"Would you lie to me?"
"Never," I whispered tearing my eyes away from him.
"So she really made out with Aiden?" "I saw it. I saw her lips turn into a smirk when she pulled back and Aiden was high. I wish I was lying."

Then with that he got up and left. The swing creaked while I watched him go. I have no idea what made him leave, but I hope it wasn't me. I opted for the truth, and I was the one left hanging.


On Monday, news spread that Garrett and Stella were "taking a break." He wanted to end things for good while she begged him to stay. And of course, Stella got what she wanted; like always. Garrett did actually talk to me though and that actually made me smile. Seeing me smile at school was a rarity. I never really had much to smile about; I had too many personal problems.

The morning was going well and nobody knew that I was behind the break of our schools hottest couple. However, something bad always seemed to happen and I knew today would be no exception.

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