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* Deans P.O.V *

"Mia!" I smiled. Charlie shot up, but stopped when Mia vanished. Then she came back. Oh crap. She's a ghost. "Mia you need to tell us whats going on." I asked.

"I think I-" vanished /came back "-Then I saw Alana and she kinda-" vanished /came back "-old me out to Crow-" vanished /came back " -ing of hell apar-" vanished /came back "and now he want's to ki-" then she completely vanished.

"What was she saying!?" Charlie cried, tears rolling down he cheeks.

"Crowley!" I shouted. There was a few seconds of silence, until a male voice cleared itself.

"You called?" Crowley called behind Sam, Charlie and I. We all turned around to face a smug smiling king of hell.

"Bring back Mia!" Charlie screamed, trying to run at Crowley. Be fore she could get to him, Sam got in quick, and wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her back.

"I'll leave you two alone to discuss Mia." Sam stated, still holding Charlie by the waist.

"No! Let me at him!" She screamed, thrashing and trying to get out of Sam's grip. She started to hysterically cry, as she buried her face in Sam's shoulder.

"Oh come on, Red. You shouldn't be so mean." Crowley stated, pouting. Charlie pushed Sam away from her, and walked off, sniffling. I nodded to Sam to follow her. Once Sam left I turned to Crowley.

"Whats with the red headed nerd?" He asked.

"She has an name!" I shouted. Crowley backed off, putting his hands up in defence.

"So. You want little Renee back I see." I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"No... We want Mia back." I stated angrily. Crowley smirked and took a few steps towards me, and took a seat on the chair Charlie was sitting on.

"Yes. Her name- her real name is Renee. Renee Holmes. As in Josie Sands. Her daughter was 'Mia's' mother." Crowley stated.

"I-I don't understand. The woman of letters? Abaddon's meat suit?" I asked.

"Mhmm" he nodded.

"But her file said that she was single- well unmarried, and didn't have any children." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Why did Mia lie to us?" I asked.

"She didn't lie. She just didn't tell you the truth. I know exactly what happened. But. You have to ask her what happened, when she wakes up, that is." Crowley snapped his fingers, and behind him showed a pair of feet and legs. He stood up, to show Mia lying there sleeping peacefully. "She won't wake up just yet, she's unconscious. She will be for a few days." He stated.

"Mia!" Charlie screamed, as she and Sam entered the room.

"I guess thats my key to leave." Crowley stated before disappearing. Charlie sprinted over to Mia, and sat down next to her.

"Mia. Mia honey, wake up please." Charlie cried.

"Charlie." I called. She didn't look up. "Charlie!" I called again.

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