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Mia's point of view

I jogged back to the bunker with Rowena still in the back of my mind. She knew my parents? Maybe she could help me find out why they were killed. I walked through the door and saw Sam sitting down at the table, looking at his computer like always. How did this place have wifi if it's so old? I always managed to think. Sam stood up, once I was in sight.

"Where's Dean?" I was gonna go and check in his room, but Sam grabbed my arm.

"Mia, there's something I have to tell you." Sam sighed, letting go of my arm. "Dean's a demon." He looked at me and a gave him a 'WTF' look.

"Well no crap. I'm the one who told you that in the first place dumbass." I rolled my eyes. "Can we see Dean though. I need to see what we're dealing with." Sam nodded and led me down into the room where the men of letters kept all their files. He walked over to a shelf and pulled it out to reveal another steel door that was closed. When Sam opened it, a figure looked up at me and smirked. He was in the centre of a devils trap, chained to a chair.

"Look what the hunter dragged in." He growled. That's not Dean. That's not my dean. That stupid mark had poisoned his body after he was killed and turned him into a demon.

"You don't look to peachy yourself." I sassed back. He frowned at my words.

"You know if he can't cure me then he'll kill me. Then when he's killed me he'll come after you." Dean laughed like a mad man.

"Don't listen to him Mia." Sam warned, putting a hand on my shoulder. I lowered my gaze and nodded, knowing that we might not get Dean back.

"Well good luck with little ball of purity over there. Imma take a nap." I patted Sam's arm and walked away.

"Bitch." Dean muttered.

"Asshole." I replied.


After trying to take a nap for the last half hour, I decided to get up and make myself some coffee. Sam resented the fact that I drank coffee, being only 14, but Dean insisted, saying that I would have to get used to how it tasted, if I wanted to help with the research for cases. It wasn't too bad, I liked it but the after taste was not my favourite part about it.

I walked into the kitchen and poured some water into the jug to boil it when the lights cut out. Walking quietly over to the power switch, I attempted to turn it on, by flicking the switch a few times but nothing worked.

It wasn't too dark, considering it was still light outside, so I whipped out both my phone and gun and dialled Sam's number.

"Mia, where are you?" Sam whispered after a few seconds of putting the phone to my ear.

"In the kitchen, why are you whispering?" I whispered back.

"Dean got out. He's somewhere around the bunker. Be on high alert because he has a hammer."

"Yeah well I have a gun." I smirked, slowly making my way down the stairs of the library.

"Meet me in the garage and for gods sake, don't shoot him!" Sam raised his voice a tiny bit. I grimaced at his harsh tone but gave a simple 'okay' anyway.

I put my phone away, but only for it to be knocked out of my hands with something heavy and metal. I screamed in pain, feeling my bones break in my hand. I was about to turn around when the hard metal object slammed hard against my temple. I fell to the ground, a silent scream coming from my lips. Dean was standing above me with a hammer in his right hand and a smirk plastered on his face. Blood pooled from my head wound and black dots surrounded my vision. I couldn't cry I, couldn't scream for Sam, I just didn't have the strength. I didn't know if it was from the blood loss or if it was out of sheer fright that he would finish me off.

I didn't want to go out like this. Just as Dean stood over me with his big, black demony eyes and the hammer raised above his head, Sam came and tackled him to the ground. My vision blurred around me and I was forced into the depth of the darkness.

Darkness consumed me. I didn't know where I was. When it was. I didn't know the voices around me and that pissed me off to the point where I wanted to yell at all of them to shut the hell up.

"Oh my god she's dead. She's dead! How will Sam and Dean cope?" A male panicked voice cried.

"Take it easy ya idjit. The poor girl can probably hear us." Another man scolded the first voice.

"Look she's waking up now." The first voice rang through my ears and my eyes felt heavy, as I sat up. I groggily opened them to see three people sitting in front of me. I studied my surroundings and saw my gun sitting on my bedside table, so I went to grab it, but my hand went right through the nightstand and I fell off the bed with a thud. My back hit the wall and I looked over to see me lying on my bed deathly pale.

"That-that's me." I whispered. Was I actually in American horror story? Was this limbo?

"Yeah you're dead as a doornail. Just like the rest of us, kid." An old man with a scrubby hat said.

"Bobby be nice to the poor girl." The teenager with short black hair scolded. I cracked a smile.

"I'm Kevin and this is dean and Sam's dad ,John, and Bobby." Kevin introduced.

"Oh my god." I smiled.

"John Winchester - Sam and deano's dad. Bobby singer their badass of a surrogate father and Kevin Tran the advanced placement student turned profit?" I asked.

"Damn kid, you're one educated girl." John smiled.

"They taught me everything they know." I smiled, but it faded along with my non beating heart as it shattered.

"Charlie." I whispered, tearing up. Charlie will be so alone... Charlie will most likely kill Dean.

"We're sorry kid." Bobby sighed. I nodded and changed the topic.

"So why am I still here? Why aren't I in heaven? Or hell? Or purgatory at the least?" I asked, still keeping my mind on Charlie.

"Long story short, Metatron locked all the angels out of heaven, so now everyone who died between then and now are trapped in what's called the veil." Kevin explained.

"But Sam said that you three died before Metadouche locked all the angels out. How are you here with me?" I questioned. They all looked at me and John gave me a soft smiled something the boys said he didn't do very often. Lucky me. I thought.

"But bobby, you're supposed to be in heaven?" I asked.

"Kid, one thing you've got to realise is that it doesn't matter if you're up in heaven or hell or purgatory. Just be grateful that we are here and you aren't alone in this thing." Bobby put a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and looked at Kevin.

"I agree. I mean, it's a big thing to have to deal with. Don't let it get to you." Kevin smiled. Just then my bedroom door slowly opened, to reveal Dean. I could tell that he wasn't a demon anymore, due to the look of pain and regret growing ever so quickly, as he saw my dead body lying on the bed. He stumbled over to my side and fell on the ground in a fit of cries. He cried out in rage and held his face in his hands. This made me want to cry. Sam entered the room a few minutes later and put a hand on Dean's shoulder, with tears sweeping down his cheeks as well. That's it. I started to cry.

"M-Mia I'm so s-sorry!" He wailed, grabbing my cold hand in his.

"I forgive you Dean." I whispered, tears swept down my cheeks as I stood on the the other side of the bed and looked down at them.

I forgive you.

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