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*Mia's P.O.V*

Charlie and I stood behind Sam and Dean, as a woman with red hair came out of the bushes. She was wearing a black 'the devil made me do it' tee shirt, black jeans and black boots.

"She has nice taste in fashion." I thought. But then I looked at her more closely. She reminded me of someone, I saw in a picture. Then it hit me. I took out my phone, that was in my back pocket, and went through all my photos.

"This is no time for taking photos, Mia." Dead stated, looking back at me.

"Hold on." I mumbled. I clicked on a photo that had a woman, and a small girl. It was her! But she was with my mom. One day, I saw the photo on a shelf in mom's study, so I took a photo of it, it was so adorable. I showed the photo to Charlie and she did a double take.

"Abaddon is your grandmother?" She asked. Abaddon looked over at me and smiled wickedly.

"Nope. Just my meat suit. She didn't want me to enter poor old Henry's body, so she let me in." Abaddon laughed. I rolled my eyes, and put my phone away. "You shouldn't roll your eyes at the queen of hell, you know." She stated, scolding me. All of a sudden, Charlie and Dean went crashing into a tree. Stupid Abaddon, with her stupid powers.

"Mia, stay behind me." Sam stated, walking in front of me more.

"Please, I won't hurt her." Abaddon stated, as she used her powers to make Sam fly into a tree as well. It was just me and her.

"Stay away from her!" Dean shouted. I pulled out my silver revolver, and held it up, pointing to her head. She laughed a little, before flicking her wrist. The gun slipped out of my hands and slid across the concrete pathway, landing a few metres away from me.

"Honey, that won't kill me." Abaddon stated, rolling her eyes. I pulled out a machete and held it in front of me and just like the gun, it slid out of my hands and into a nearby tree. "Stop with the weapons," She stated, walking around me in circles. "You're as bad as those Winchesters over there." Abaddon added. I could feel three sets of eyes on me, as I turned my head and looked at Charlie, Dean and Sam.

*Mia's P.O.V*

Charlie, Dean and Sam all looked at me. Their eyes full of hope, that I wouldn't die. I looked at Abaddon, as she circled me. She smiled wickedly again.

"You know, you and I are gonna have fun." She stated, patting me on the head like I was a dog.

"What do you mean?" I growled, as I tried to bite her hand. I heard Dean try to contain a laugh, as Abaddon quit patting my head, and retracted her hand quickly.

"I mean, I'm stealing you for a while. It's either that or your trio dies." She explained.

"Mia no!" Charlie shouted, her eyes watering.

"I have to. Or you all die." I replied to Charlie, but still looked at Abaddon. "I'm sorry." I whispered, glancing at the Winchesters and Charlie. "I'll go." I said to Abaddon. She clapped her hands and looked over at 'the trio'.

"Looks like she chose me." They all rolled their eyes. I mouthed to them that I was sorry. They all nodded their heads, and tears fell from Charlie's eyes and on to her cheeks. Abaddon clicked her fingers and we were transported into what looked to be a hotel room. She walked to a couch and sat down. "Well. Are you just gonna stand there?" She asked, looking at me.

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