CHAPTER TEN-Preparations

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Adelaide in her party dress/makeup pictured above

"Please don't make me look ridiculous Cassie. I don't want to sweat off everything tonight at the party, so just make it natural, okay?"

"I have something we use for stage make up that keeps it from dripping off, so don't worry," she says with a laugh, but it fades off when she sees the serious look on my face. "okay fine, I won't cake on a shit ton of makeup. It'll be natural. Now shut up and let me work my magic." She grabbed my face causing my cheeks to puff up. "Hmmm. I've got it!" she exclaims.

After what felt like forever, but was only about thirty minutes, she turns me to the mirror. "Ta-Dah! I know you said you wanted it natural, but I think this brings your eyes out a bit better." Holy shit. My green eyes are popping out so much it looks like they're shining. The eyeliner is a bit thick, but if it makes my eyes look this amazing, I'm okay with it."Now go try on the dress!" she yells shooing me towards a door that I assume is her bathroom, so that she can finish getting herself ready.

As I grab my dress to get ready, I hear my phone ring. I swear my parents can be so overprotective sometimes. Well, my dad doesn't care that much, but my mom does. But why would they call me when I left about an hour ago?

"Mom seriously everything is fine," I say once I open my phone, "Cassie's parents really don't like their dinners being interrupted, so I shouldn't talk for long." Hopefully that'll work. I really don't feel like having an awkward conversation with my mother right now.

"You're at some girl's house? You haven't been in California for that long at all, and you're already hanging out with someone after school? Seriously Ady?" I guess I should've checked my caller ID before I answered.

"Dylan? What's up with you? Did you call me to yell at me more? Cause if so you can hang up right now." I'm going to have fun tonight and I won't let Dylan get in the way of that.

"I'm sorry about earlier, okay?" he says with sincerity, "I was just jealous because I really don't want you to replace me. And I'm a bit worried about four guys being around you like that." Why can't he just apologize like a normal person and let it go?

"I get that, but I really don't see the issue here. I made friends, like you said I should do, but you're upset about it. So what if they're boys, it's not that big of a deal. And Cassie is a really good friend to me. Can you please just let me be happy?" So much for not getting upset before the party.

"I don't want you to forget about me, okay? I really care about you and I don't want you to get hurt. It's a big deal because I know how sensitive you are and how easy it is for people to manipulate you." What is wrong with him!?

"Dylan, you sound like a completely different person right now. What's going on with you? Is there something you aren't telling me?" I know him, and he would never say anything like that to me ever. Someone has to be putting stuff into his head.

"Uhh, well, you see-"

"Adelaide," Cassie says with her eyebrows raised, "what are you doing? Get dressed already! The party starts in an hour. Hurry up so we can start setting up the house." Perfect timing Cassie. Don't quiet your voice or anything. Or even wonder about who I'm on the phone with.

"You're going to a party!? ADELAIDE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING OVER THERE IN SACRAMENTO?" Great, now he's yelling and he's super pissed off.

"It's just a party Dylan, I'll be fine. I'm not a kid that needs to be watched over all the time. Figure your shit out before you try contacting me again." With that being said, I hang up the phone. I'm done trying to deal with him for tonight. He needs to figure himself out before he criticizes me for what I'm doing.

"Okay, what just happened? Who was that? You sound upset? Crap, you look upset. I'm just going to stop talking now. Go put your dress on then meet me in the living room." Cassie questions a lot, but at least she doesn't hover.

When I look in the mirror, I see the deadness in my eyes. That's what Dylan does to me sometimes. He can make me the happiest person in the world, but he can also make me the most miserable. Our friendship has been a rollercoaster for sure, but he's never acted this way before. I have no clue what's going on with him right now, but I hope he figures it out before he destroys our friendship for good.

Alright, enough about my emotionally confusing best friend. I need to stop worrying about him and just have fun for once! So, this dress. It's a little bit flashy for me, but I guess it'll do for a first impression. It's strapless and baby pink with some really pretty designs on the bodice. I have no clue where Cassie found this dress, but I need to find out so I can buy more.

After adjusting my hair a bit, I head down the stairs to try and find Cassie. Great thinking Cas, tell me to meet you somewhere even though I have no clue where your living room is. That girl is crazy.

"Adelaide, seriously, hurry up or this party will turn to shit," Cassie says in a room towards my right, "We need to move the furniture around and make sure the boys put the booze in the right place." I'm so ready to party with the guys. I'm sure it won't be too hard to be in a good mood around them.

I can't believe how huge Cassie's house is. The staircase looks like it belongs in a magazine or something. Okay so I heard her voice from my right. Let's hope that's where her living room is or I will end up making her even more mad by wasting time.

"Thank gosh you're here Ady! So we have to push the couches against the wall, and make sure the end tables aren't in the way, but accessible. and we also-"

"I love you Cassie but you gotta calm down," Luke says as he walks in and gives her a kiss on the cheek, "Don't let her get to you Adelaide, she's just a bit ocd. Where do you want the alcohol babe?" I need to ask about how they got together. They are insanely cute.

"Just put it in the kitchen on the island. Whatever doesn't fit you just put in the fridge or whatever space you can find." At that, Luke heads back outside to get the alcohol mentioned before.

"LEMONADE," Michael screams as he walks in the living room, "are you ready to party like there's no tomorrow? Have you ever even been to a party before?" This boy is super loud.

"I haven't actually partied before. I know, I sound lame, but the friends I had before weren't really into partying and getting drunk. It's not really my scene, but I figured I'll give it a try." The friends I used to have would be shocked if they found out I was going to a party with lots of alcohol. My parents would ground me for life if they found out. But none of them will ever know. It's not like they honestly care anyways.

"Calum," Cassie screams as she tries to move the couch, "pull your pants up, I'm sure Adelaide doesn't want to see your ass, and help me move the couches." Thank you for saving me from that Cassie. Although I bet his ass is very nice, I don't want to see it right now. Maybe in the future though.

"Lemonade, I'm sure you'd like to see my ass, right? It is very nice. You can touch it if you want," he says while walking in the room with his pants pulled just below his butt. This guy has no shame.

"I'm alright Cal. Your ass is very nice, okay? Now please pull your pants up and help Cassie. I want to get this party started already."

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