CHAPTER 17-Making a plan

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One of (if not absolute) my favorite pictures of Michael pictured above

"Do you think she's okay," Michael asks while looking at Cassie, "I mean, she's isolating herself over there. She looks really lonely. Maybe I should-"

"Damnit Michael, just shut up for once," Luke interrupts, "She has every right to be over there right now. She wants to get away from me and she knows you guys will only bug the shit out of her until she talks to me again. I miss her so damn much, but we can't do anything about it. So stop talking about this whole thing until she comes over here herself." Once he sends Michael another glare, he grabs his tray and walks away.

I would love to say that Cassie finally got over the whole Luke-dancing-with-Arzaylea-thing since it's been a week, but she hasn't Don't get me wrong, I feel for her. We all do. It's just really weird hanging out without her. She's become a really good friend of mine. I want to help her through this, but when I tried going to her house yesterday after school, she shut the door on my face. I guess she wants to deal with her emotions on her own. I know what Luke did was bad, and a week isn't that much time to get over something like this, but she could at least talk to the rest of us.

"We seriously need to do something about this," Calum says, interrupting the silence that followed once Luke left, "I hate seeing them both like this. Anybody got any ideas?" I figured either Michael or Calum would try to devise a plan to get them back together. I'm probably a few guilty glances from Luke away from punching him and shoving him to go talk to her.

"Why don't we just lock them in a room together?" Michael suggests.

"How are we gonna do that," Ashton butts in, "Cassie won't talk to any of us, and Luke might be a bit slow, but he's not stupid. He'd know we're up to something. He knows us too well." He's got a point. It's a cliche idea, but it could possibly work.

"But he doesn't know Lemonade that well," Calum says with a smirk, "and Cassie trusts her more than any of us right now. Luke wouldn't suspect anything from her." Thanks Cal, make me carry out the plan.

"That's a fucking amazing idea. Lemonade could easily trick them into it. But how to do it?" Michael says with the weirdest thinking face I've ever seen.

"I could say something happened," I suggest, "like with my parents or Dylan or something? That could get Cassie in there. You guys would have to help me with Luke. I'm drawing a blank." I don't like lying, but I'd do anything to get those two back together. It's weird not seeing them cuddle and do adorable couple things at lunch and in the halls.

"We could say something's wrong with Cassie. He can pretend that he wants to give her space, but we all know he's walking around looking like a lost puppy."

So now we have a plan. I just hope we can execute it correctly.


"Cassie," I say into the phone while sitting on my bed, "I know we haven't really talked that much lately, but my parents are arguing and I really need a friend." I still can't believe she actually picked up the phone. Ironically enough, my parents are actually arguing. Thanks parents for making this plan more believable.

"Oh my gosh, Ady are you alright!? What happened?" Yay okay so this should work out well.

"I came home and heard them arguing in the kitchen," I say quietly, "once they saw me, they went up to their room. My dad ended up slamming the door and left the house. I haven't seen my mom yet. I'm really worried." All of this is actually true and has happened less than an hour ago. My dad tends to leave whenever he and my mom fight.

"Aww, I'm so sorry. Meet me at the park near the ice cream shop," Cassie says then hangs up. I gotta tell the boys to start their plan with Luke. They haven't told me much about it.

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