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Hot as fuck stage Luke pictured above 

*Luke's point of view*

"I'm sorry they did this to us Cassie," I say trying to break the silence, "I honestly thought something was going on with you. I was worried. I didn't think they would do something like this." She stopped screaming and banging on the door after she realized the guys and Adelaide walked away from the door. I love them, but this might be a bit too much.

"Whatever," she says while leaning against a sink, "I'm sure they'll come back in a few minutes. I don't know how they did this, but I don't care." She could at least try to talk to me. Or at least look at me.

"We need to talk Cassandra." I used her full name because I knew that would get her to look up at me. "I explained myself, and what I did was wrong, and I apologized for it. But you shut out everyone, even Adelaide. They are your friends too, and they are really worried about you. I'm worried about you." I can't help but look down at the floor to avoid her eyes. I don't want to see the pain and sadness in them.

"I know that, I just really didn't want to be around anybody," she says with a sigh, "I don't want to rely on anybody else to get me through this." She always insists on being independent whenever something bad happens.

"I get that relying on other people for happiness isn't a good thing. But we all care about you deeply. Regardless of what happened with me, you shouldn't have abandoned your friends like that. They wouldn't do that to you, and you know it." I shouldn't be raising my voice at her right now, but I can't help it. I'm frustrated as hell.

"I know that Lucas. But wherever they are, you're there. I don't want to be around you right now. I can't do it. Every time I look at you, all I can see is you dancing with her." Oh shit, she can't be crying right now.

"Cass," I say while walking up to her and grabbing her face, "I'm so sorry. I'm a dick for doing that to you. Drunk or not, it was a horrible thing to do to you. I know you can't forgive me or be around me that much right now, but the group isn't the same without you. Can you at least start joining us for lunch again?" It's strange seeing her cry, because she rarely lets her emotions show. I can't help but wrap my arms around her and bring her to my chest. She isn't pulling away, so that's a start.

"Fine. Baby steps, I guess," she says with a sniffle, "but this doesn't mean we're back together. We'll only be around each other with the rest of the group. If I can start with baby steps, you can too. It's going to take a while for me to trust you again." She buries her head further into me, and I have to stop myself from squeezing the life out of her. I don't deserve a second chance, but she's giving me one. Baby steps.

"That's fine with me Cas," I say and rest my chin on her head, "Baby steps are okay. Thank you so much. I lo-"

"Don't say it Luke," Cassie interrupts and pulls away to look me in the eyes, "you can't say that to me. Not anymore. I don't want to hear it right now." It was worth a shot.

"Okay. That's okay, I get it." I awkwardly look around the bathroom, only now realizing that I'm in a women's restroom. Oh gosh. I'm going to kill those boys once I get out of here.

"You ready to get out of here," Cassie says while walking towards the door, "I know I am. Being trapped in a bathroom with you isn't the best thing in the world. No offense." Eh, none taken.

"Yeah, it's weird being in a women's restroom. It actually doesn't smell like..umm....bad things," I trail off. I'm so awkward.

"I got it," she says with a small giggle, "guys, you can let us out now." I hope Adelaide is close enough to hear her. I don't want to be in here much longer. The awkwardness is taking up all the space in this small room.

"Well," Michael says once the door opens, "are you okay now? Are you back together? Did you kiss? Wait, I don't want those pictures in my head." Thank you Michael for making things even more awkward and uncomfortable.

"Yeah, not really Michael," Cassie says as she shoves past him, "I'll see you at lunch tomorrow," she finishes then heads towards her car.

"Shit Luke, I'm sorry," Calum says once Cassie gets in her car, "I thought this would work! It was a decent plan. Anything else we can do?" I never realized how annoying these boys were until they started asking me all of these questions.

"It's alright guys, thanks. It worked well enough. I mean, she's gonna be at lunch now, so that's a start. We're gonna take baby steps." I don't want to tell them all the details, and I'm sure they don't want to hear them.

"Where did Ash and Adelaide go," I ask once I realize they aren't here, "I thought I saw them when I ran over here?" Ashton doesn't really socialize with her much, so it's weird that they're both gone.

"They went to go on the trails," Michael says with a smirk, "it's so weird seeing him with her. He's usually so shy. But he isn't with her." Guess little Ashton is growing out of his shell. Even though he's two years older than me, I still see him as a kid sometimes.

"Can we go now," Calum says while groaning, "I'm fucking starving and I really want pizza. And I'm tired of all this emotional talk." Now that, I agree with. Too many emotions. I don't feel like a man right now.

"How about we order some pizza then have a Marvel marathon at my house? It's a friday, so you can just sleep over. Message your moms, and let's go. I need to get a meat lovers pizza. If either of you fight me on this, you're sleeping in the yard. " I say with my keys in my hand. Ady and Ash can ride back together in her car.

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