Everything Changes- Donatello

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You sighed as you walked through the lair, looking for your boyfriend. He hadn't come to bed the night before and you just knew that he was in his lab working on something, just like you knew he had probably been there all night doing it.

It was three in the morning and you were going to get him and take him to bed. He needed some sleep and you were determined to get him to sleep. You stepped into his lab and sighed at the silence. You couldn't hear any snoring so that meant that Donnie was working with chemicals. That was the only time the lab was silent, when he was working with chemicals and he needed silence to concentrate.

"Donnie?" you whispered as you stepped into the lab, not going more than a couple steps into the lab, not wanting to get caught in an explosion like the last time.

"Angel?" you heard Donnie's tired voice call out softly, "Just stay where you are for a minute Angel. I'm working with some volatile chemicals that will explode if I'm not careful."

You stayed where you were as you waited for Donnie to be done with what he was doing at that moment. You could hear the sounds of the liquids in the beakers from across the room. Then complete silence. Half a second later you heard fizzing and Donnie, jumping up from his stool, letting out a cuss word and running towards you, but it was too late. A large, ear shattering boom filled the lair and then you were thrown back against the door, your head cracking on the edge as your body tumbled out into the living area.

You could hear Donnie's voice faintly calling to you as you lay there. You lay still as you felt his large hands running along your body to make sure you had no serious external injuries or broken bones.

"Angel? Can you hear me?" Donnie asked as he patted your cheek lightly. You could hear the footsteps of his brothers and father running from their rooms.

"Donnie! Y/N! Are you guys ok?" Leo's voice asked as the guys surrounded you both. You opened your eyes and sighed in an irritated tone.

"Angel, are you ok? What's wrong?" Donnie's concerned voice asked you.

"Every time I go in there you seem to be blowing something up, whether it is intentional or not. It makes a big mess." You scolded your boyfriend a bit before allowing your voice to adopt a teasing tone. "I mean look at you. Your head is bleeding and now your mask needs to be washed. That stain is going to be near impossible to get out!" You watched Donatello's facial expressions as he caught on to what you were saying.

Shock and confusion were the first to cross his face before surprise and joy settled there. He helped you sit up and rested you against him, slowly so that you would not get dizzy. He kissed your head gently before answering his brother's question.

"Yeah Leo," He grinned up at his family, "I think we are ok, more than ok." You just stayed rested up against him, content not to move until he moved you. You saw Master Splinter shake his head softly before turning to go back to his room.

"I think we all need to get some rest after that. Close the doors to the lab, you may clean it up tomorrow. Everyone go to sleep. No training tomorrow. Good night my family." The wise old rat spoke in a soft tone to them all as he left the living area and the turtles headed back to their rooms to sleep some more.

"Come on Angel. Let's go get cleaned up and get some sleep." Donnie murmured as he stood and lifted you in his arms. He carried you up the stairs and into the bathroom. Setting you on the counter, Donnie wet a wash cloth and soaped it up. He then washed your face, neck, arms and legs. He cleaned everything he could, knowing that it would do until you took a shower tomorrow morning.

You took the rag from him, staying sitting on the counter and started to clean him up as well. You cleaned the dirt and grime from him, and then you cleaned the cut on his head, taking his mask off to clean later. You put come ointment and a bandage on the cut, and then you threw the dirty rag in the hamper and smiled up at Donnie.

He picked you up from the counter and carried you close to him as he walked to his room. He kicked the door shut gently behind him as he got to his room. He crossed the room silently and laid you down on the bed, crawling in behind you.

"Don" you whispered as he shifted to reach for the light switch. He stopped and looked at you.

"Ok Angel," he murmured, shifting back into a laying position and pulling you close again. "We will leave the light on. Go to sleep."

He nuzzled your hair as he spooned you from behind, holding you gently and closely. You tried to fall asleep, but sighed in frustration.

"What's wrong Angel?" Donnie asked, sitting up to see your face better. He looked concerned for you as he looked down at you.

"I can't sleep now," you whispered to him, "I'm too excited and I'm not tired." Donnie's eyes crinkled up in a smile as he chuckled and lay back down.

"I think you are more tired than you realize." He murmured as he pulled you close again.

"Close your eyes," he murmured in your ear, you did as he said and closed your eyes. You felt his thumb on your head as he started rubbing your temple in a soft and rhythmic manner. You didn't realize it, but soon you had drifted to sleep. Donnie continued to hold you through the rest of the night.

Donnie rose in the morning, extracting himself from you carefully. He covered you back up and kissed your head softly before leaving the room. 

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