Neglected- Leonardo

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Leo had been throwing himself into his training as leader a lot more than normal lately. You loved that he was putting his all into his lifestyle as a ninja, but you wished he wouldn't put so much of his time into it.

Leo had been making his brothers patrol longer than normal. They were never back before two in the morning and sometimes later. You couldn't stay up that late, so you would go to sleep without him and you would wake up without him. You figured he just got up before you, but found out that he never went into the room at all. He had been sleeping on the couch the whole time.

You jerked awake. You hadn't had a nightmare in weeks, but that night one had crept up on you. You knew you were in your own room. When you realized that he was sleeping on the couch, you moved back into your own room. There was no difference in what room you slept in when you were alone either way. You sighed and snuggled back into the covers, hoping that this wasn't the start of more nightly visits from the boogieman.

Two weeks later you were exhausted, you had a nightmare every single night that had you afraid to go back to sleep or even leave your room in the morning. On the other hand, you had to eat, so you would go down to the kitchen sometime in the afternoon and find something to eat. It was usually an apple or toast, but it was all you felt your stomach could handle. With nothing to distract you, your mind lingered continually on your nightmares. You were starting to have dizzy spells because of the anxiety that came with your thoughts, so you decided to tell Leo.

You peaked into the dojo and heard nothing. That meant that Leo was meditating. You sighed; knowing that getting his attention was going to be impossible when he was meditating.

You could already feel your anxiety going up at the thought of not being able to get him to hear you, but you knew you had to try. You stepped into the dojo and made your way over to where he was. You could hear his breathing, slow and even, as you stopped right in front of him.

"Leo?" you whispered, you couldn't seem to get your voice to speak any higher, "I need to talk to you Leo."

Still no reaction from your boyfriend. This made your shoulders slump. You were not going to get his attention and you knew it. You didn't know why you were so afraid, but it made tears run down your face.

You turned and went back towards the doors to the dojo. When you got there you left the dojo. Just then, a dizzy spell took over you as you heard Raph's voice call out.

"Hey Y/N, ya don't look so good." He said, but you could barely hear him as you tried to reach for something steady to hold on to, but swayed as you didn't find anything.

"Y/N!" Raph cried out and something grabbed hold of you a second after you felt yourself sway one way.

"You got circles under ya eyes. Ya havn't been sleeping or eatin again have ya?" Raph's voice growled in your ear, not mad at you, just concerned, "Why didn't ya tell anyone?!" You could hear Mikey was also standing next to you.

"I just tried to tell Leo, but he was meditating and didn't hear me." You answered softly as your head stopped spinning. Raph had you sitting on the floor, propped up against his knee.

"Here bro" You heard Mikey's rarely heard serious voice. A second later you felt a cool wet rag on your face, whipping the tears and sweat away.

"I can't sleep cause my nightmares came back and I can't eat cause I get too upset over my nightmares and that being the only thing I have to think about I just throw stuff back up again. I don't know what to do." You explained in a tearful voice. Raph listened to you as you spoke, running the cloth across the back of your neck. He then lifted you up, making our head spin again, and handed you to Mikey.

"You don't, but I do." He growled as he started walking and Mikey followed, carrying you behind.

You heard the dojo doors open as Raph entered you and Mikey behind him. You heard the sound of Raph pulling one of his Sais out of his belt, then hurling it through the air. It was stopped by something soft, you knew as it didn't make a clattering noise.

"I can hear Raph; you don't need to throw stuff at me to get my attention." Leo's clam voice cut through the silence in the dojo. Raph growled and you could hear him stomp over towards Leo.

"Parentally not," Raph growled back, clearly annoyed at his oldest brother (what else is new). "Or ya would have noticed Y/N standing in front of ya cryin as she tried to tell ya that she hasn't slept in two weeks!"

Raph didn't touch Leo this time. He normally would give him a shove, but he knew he was going to win this argument and didn't feel as though he needed to put forth the effort. Leo didn't reply, but you could feel his eyes turn to you.

"She hasn't eatin much either Leo. She gets too upset and just up-chucks it. She fainted out there, would have cracked her head on the floor if I hadn't been standing so close!"

The sound of Leo's feet coming closer was all the noise in the dojo. Your head spun even more as you felt yourself trading hands. Mikey let Leo have you and you held your breath as you suddenly couldn't tell where you were anymore. You didn't know if Leo still had you or if you were falling through the air. Something tightened around you and you were slowly aware that Leo was holding you tight as he carried you.

A door opened and Leo stopped walking.

"Y/N where is your pillow and blanket?" Leo asked in a curious voice. You felt a little sting of hurt. He hadn't even noticed that you had gone back to your own room?

"In my room" You answer quietly, tucking your head down to your chest, knowing what was coming next.

"Why are they in your room? You don't sleep in your room." Leo sounded confused. He didn't understand why you had gone back to your room when it gave you nightmares.

"Leo I have been back in my room for a week now. The nightmares came back a little over two weeks ago. So what is the difference? I get nightmares no matter which room I sleep in. At least this way you won't be sleeping on the couch in the living room anymore." You tried to sound matter-of-fact, but you knew it sounded more hurt than anything else.

Leo stepped into the room and laid down on the bed, you secured in his arms. He reached down and pulled his blanket up over you both.

"Im so sorry love" he whispered in your ear, making you tremble, tears running from your eyes again.

"I was so focused on training to be a better leader and I didn't realize that I was avoiding you and ignoring you. I am so sorry Y/N. Please forgive me."

You couldn't speak, your mind was swamped with emotions and thoughts. You nodded as hard as you could, but moaned as your head spun again. You felt Leo wrap his arms around you tighter, giving you something to hold on to.

"I won't let it happen again Y/N." He whispers as you relaxed, but you didn't hear him. You had fallen into a deep dreamless sleep.


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