We were watching a movie when Marsha fell asleep. She is the cutest little girl I've ever seen. Thomas carried her up to her room when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to almost getting crushed to death by hugs.
Me: let go your hurting me
Lexi: oh sorry..hehe
They all walked inside and each of them hugged me again. By now it was around 5.
Thomas came down and he dapped the boys and they were talking and they suggested we go to the pool. I really didn't want to go in since I didn't have a bikini and I wasn't feeling well so I just layed on a lounge chair on my phone while everyone was in the pool having fun ad whatnot. I just plugged my headphones and listened to 'brightside'.
I was drifting into sleep when I felt like I was being picked up and I was thrown in the pool.
They just stood there laughing.
Me: I HATE YOU PEOPLE, YALL OWE ME A NEW FUCKING PHONE. and I don't even have a change of clothes.
Lexi: chill, I got your bag in the car. Let me get it for you.
I walked in the house to find the bathroom. Lexi came and gave me my bag which had shorts and a t-shirt. I always carry extra clothes with me, thank jesus.
Please don't let her be mad at me. It was funny though. We was in the kitchen eating when she came back out wearing shorts. Why is she always wearing shorts and when I say shorts I mean short shorts.
Victoria: yall owe me a new damn phone, headphones, and a new case
Brad(Ray): no
Victoria: nigga it was yall fault anyways
Trey: w.e fine
Victoria: fine, lets play spin the bottle in heaven
Victoria: so you spin the bottle and who ever it lands on, you spend 7 minutes in heaven with them in the bedroom.
E/b: okay
Genesis: I'll go first
Genesis spins the bottle and it lands on Jacob, they both turned red as a tomato. Ahaha.
OMFG, is faith fucking with me today or what?, of all people it HAD to land on the boy I like. FML.
Victoria: now get yall asses up there *smirks*
Me: I don't wanna
Diamond: that is too damn bad now get yall asses up there.
They all practically shoved us in the room and I locked it and sat down on the bed.
Me: look Jacob you and I really don't have to do any--*gco*
I got cut off by Jacob crashing his lips onto mines. Sweet mother of Jesus his lips were so damn soft. I immediately kissed him back and it was as if we were the only ones in the world. I wrapped his arms around his neck and he cupped my face gently. OH MY FUCKING GOD this is the best kiss ever.
We pulled away and he just smiled at me,
Jacob: been wanting to do that for a while *looks down*
Me:...*smiles ear to ear* why didn't you?
Jacob: well I kinda see the way you think about yourself and I don't think of you that way. I think your beautiful and I thought if I told you I'd get rejected and you wouldn't believe me so I just left it alone but it's so hard since I started falling for you since the first day I met you.
Me: I really don't know what to say to that but thank you and I have a low self-esteem because I've been through some shit normal teens shouldn't have to deal with.
Jacob: you wanna talk about it?
Me: I'll come to you when I am
Jacob: okay *kisses her cheek* now one more thing, will you be my girlfriend?
Me: I'm all yours baby
And with that I kissed him again and I got butterflies in my stomach. He bit my lip asking for entrance and I let him and he started moving down to my neck, nibbling on it until he found my sweet spot and I let out a moan. He continued kissing and sucking my neck. The door suddenly pulled open.
Victoria: holy shiit, ouhh get it
Me: how the fuck you got in?
Victoria: picked the lock but anyways I'm happy for you guys.
Me: uh thanks now get out, I'm kinda busy.
Victoria: don't have too much fun now *winks*
Me: I'll try.
She walked out of the room. And we got back to business. Aha
YESS, haha I got my baby. Finally. She don't know what she does to me.