My plan was to move to California for at least 6 months and completely renovate myself. My attitude, my style (I'll still be me just improved) and believe me Daniel will regret what he did even more. I started packing my stuff in my suitcase and I'm leaving my room spotless, it'll still have the bed and everything. I decided to write Daniel a note and place it on my bed.
"Dear Daniel, by the time you see this letter I'll probably be gone. I know you will be fine and even if you do miss me or regret what you did, It really won't make a difference at all. Anyways goodbye and see you in 6 months.
And with that I headed downstairs with my stuff. I said goodbye to everyone and headed to catch my cab. I'm going to miss everybody, even that bastard Daniel but I'm not even going to shed a tear over that son of a bitch.
During the whole ride home I was crying my eyes out. I didn't come home until about 1o'clock in the morning. When I got home I went straight to Linda's room to find all her clothes gone and a note on the bed. I picked it up and read it. 6 months withour the love of my life. This is all my fault. I layed on her bed and stayed there crying myself to sleep.
Last night was the best night of my life. Yet I feel stupid that I never noticed who it really was. I'm so freakin' happy. I walked downstairs to find the boys eating breakfast. I don't know why they're always at my house. And of course Prodigy had on his disguise. I said g/m to everyone. And kissed Prodigy on his cheek. We had breakfast and laughed and whatnot, when Daniel came downstairs. He looked horrible, bags under his eyes, puffy red eyes.
Me: omg Daniel what happened
Daniel: *sighs heavily* because of Linda. *starts tearing up*
Me: I'm so sorry, but She'll be back sooner than you think.
Daniel: yea, *walks upstairs*
I feel so bad for him. I have to call Linda and tell her thia. She might not care but still, she should at least know. I excused myself upstairs.
I picked up the phone and dialed the number Linda gave me. I called her up and she picked up on the third ring.
Linda: allo
Me: hey cous
Linda: hey wussup
Me: I. just called to tell you that Daniel has been in your room all night. He's beeen crying all night and he looks horrible. I think you should at least talk to him.
Linda: oh he'll be fine but wth he crying for. Li pa te fout gen problem le li tap four fuck avec bouzen sal yo rele Dona a.
[Transaltion: he didn't seem to have a problem when he was fucking that bitch Dona]
Me: *sighs* alright alright. But bye cous. See ya in 6 months.
I hung up the phone and just sat there. She is too damn stubborn but I understand her reasons. *sigh*.