I got home and headed to my room to do my homework. Then I got in my car and went to pick up those lazy bums I call my best friends. I went to Lexis house since she lived closest, then Diamond, and Genesis and we're off to the mall.
After these girls dragged me through nearly every store in the mall until I found a perfect bikini. It was a polka dotted bikini with gold outlines, it was really cute and I decided to get booty shorts. The girls also decided to get new bikinis. And we were off to the beach to meet up with the boys. I hope they didn't get lost.
I'm surprised we didn't get lost getting to the beach. We drove there in my new car. This project is going well so far. I can't wait to see the looks on those people's faces who mistreated us at school. Meanwhile the boys won't stfu about those girls we met at school today. Roc is literally always talking about Lexi. Ray about Diamond. Princeton about Genesis and how their alike and shit. I've just been thinking about Victoria I usually keep to myself.
Roc: so what do you think Lexi will look like in her bikini?
Ray: can't wait to see my boo Diamond
Princeton: will yall niggas stfu
Prodigy: haha you know you want to see Genesis though
Princeton: and you want to see Victoria
Prodigy: whatever
Our conversation were interrupted when we heard Mindless Behavior (us) blasting through a sterio. Second later Victoria and her friends came out wearing the shortest booty shorts I've ever seen and let me tell you they looked so sexy it should be illegal.
The girls: hey guys
Ray: h-h-hey
Diamond: are you guys okay?
Ray: we are now *winks*
Diamond: *blushes*
When we got to the beach the boys saw us and their jaws dropped to the floor. Haha it was hilarious. I guess we looked gorgeous though.
Victoria: you guys are just gonna stare or do you guys wanna go in the water?
Prodigy: oh..uh..yea
We all run to the water screaming and whatnot and Thomas (Prodigy) picked me up and threw me in the water. Not cool. I got out the water mad and he started backing away and I started chasing him and tackled him and I fell on him. This boy has really nice eyes. And those lips I can just kiss them all day. Lord let me stop. I quickly got off of him.
Me: that'll teach you
Prodigy (Thomas): you broke my spleen
Me: haha sorry
Prodigy: its cool. Walk with me?
Me: sure
Prodigy: so tell me about yourself?
Victoria: well my full name is Victoria Parks, I'm Haitian and Dominican. I'm 15. I live with my parents although their not always home. I'm an only child. How about you?
Prodigy: well my name is Thomas Jennings. I live with my mom. I'm 16. I'm black (idk his ethnicity so just go with it). I have a 3 year old little sister.
Victoria: thats nice. Awe you have a little sister, I love kids
Prodigy: you'll meet her someday
Victoria: that would be nice. Wanna go back with the others
Prodigy: alrite, lets go
We were walking back and just enjoying each others company and laughing and we exchanged numbers. When we got back everyone was just staring at us.
Me: wtf?
Diamond: what was yall doing *smirks*
Me: Diamond you freak we were just walking and talking
E/b: suuuure you were
Prodigy: w.e floats yall boat.
Victoria: anyways anybody want some smores? I have the stuff in my car.
Lexi: sure lets help you
We all walked away and left the boys.
Ok so I know I've only known these girls for a day but I can't help but be attracted to them. Especially Lexi. She's not the girly girly type of girl but shes still feminine and I really like her.
Me: Prod so whats up with you and Victoria there?
Prod: nothing. I mean shes beautiful yea.
Ray: nigga we all know you like her by the way you look at her.
Prod: so what if I do?. How about you and Diamond?
Ray: we just flirting and stuff. She cool though. She's not shallow like those girls at our school.
Princeton: true that. And we're dressed like nerds and they don't know who we are yet they accepted us. That's cool.
Me: they are *smiles*