It's Diggy's birthday next week and I'm planning on a surprise birthday parties for him. I'm inviting his friends and a couple of performers including Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, etc. Anyways I'm on the phone with my cousin Charlene, a party planner I hired for his birthday.
Charlene: so how much am I getting paid for this exactly?
Me: $3000, now this is a surprise party and make sure it's exactly what I told you.
Charlene: of course
Me: aight bye babe, I gtg and remember that Diggy can not find out about this or this whole thing is supposed to be a secret. Knowing your big mouth, you'll spill it to him.
Charlene: I won't dang, I need this money anyways
Me: ok boo I gtg.
I was walking to the kitchen when I heard Linda talking on the phone. Calling someone 'boo, baby' over the phone and talking about a secret. What secret? Is she seriously cheating on me? Over Diggy Simmons? Oh hell naw.
I walked in the kitchen acting like I didn' hear the conversation at all.
Me: hey babe
Linda: hey
Me: I'm bout to head out so I'll see you later k?
I picked up my keys and left. She wants to cheat on me, fine but I'm going to get my payback. I'm Diggy Simmons I can get any girl I want.
I was driving, when I saw Dona walking down the street wearing some shorts and she looked mighty fine. Just what I needed right now.
Me: need a ride?
Dona: uh sure
She hopped in the car and in about 10 minutes we pulled up to her house. She invited me in and I accepted. We were talking and cracking jokes. She's actually pretty cool. She came over and kissed me and I kissed her which soon got heated. One thing lead to another and we ended up having sex right there. What the hell did I just do. I grabbed my stuff and left.
He thinks he's gonna get away with it. Ha, what he doesn't know is that I caught everything on tape and intended on showing that bitch Linda. Serves her well for messing with me. Oh well karma's a bitch, I sighed happily and drifted to sleep.
I was laying in my bed with Thomas and his arms around my waist. I've been debating wether or not to tell him what happened. After thinking I decided to tell him. I didn't know what he would do but I can't keep this from him.
Me: Thomas can I tell you something?
Thomas: anything
Me: well at the award show 2 days ago I met mb and af the afterparty we were all hanging out and I went to say goodbye and prodigy kissed me but I pulled him away. I didn't mean for it to happen. As soon As he kissed me I pushed him away. I--*breaks down crying* It was my fault and I understand if you want to break up with me becau---*gco*
He kissed me and hugged me. And he whispered in my ear softly.
Thomas: it wasn't your fault and no tou didn't cheat because you pushed him away and I'm not breaking up with you either.
Oh my god she came clean about kissing another guy..well me. Even though it might've ended our relationship. I have no doubt in my mind I absolutely love this girl.