Chapter 1: I am a Greek Goddess?!? Impossible!

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Arisu's POV.

I sat alone in my small,but cosy, living room staring at the fireplace. My short blue-black hair was tied up in a small ponytail and my deep blue eyes were like stone. I remember a time when all was okay for me. I used to have a family, friends and anything I could ever want. But all of that was taken away from me when mama died. Father did things to me that are unspeakable, if I tried to tell you, I would break down. My family abandoned me, my friends did too, not that I had many in the first place, though. All emotion I once had disappeared and left what is now me, a cold shell. I am no longer a cheerful optimistic girl. Instead, I am cold. I miss the life where I could be myself with no one to tell me that I shouldn't be.  Life isn't that fair, though, and through it all, I have become stronger. If someone asked me of my regrets in life, I would say 'The only regret in life that I have, is that I should have realised that there is no life for me earlier.' Humanity is cruel, but our minds are even crueller, our minds control our bodies, control our hearts and our actions. Perhaps it is just my luck that I have only ever seen the side of humanity that minds have been torn and altered to cause everything else about them cruel. I don't pity them. No, quite the opposite. I pity my younger self for not realising how cruel the world I live in is.

I get up with a sigh, I don't really have the desire to move, I just want to stay here and stare into the dying embers in the fireplace. However, I must get up to get more flowers for Mama's grave. I open my wooden door, being sure to double lock it behind me, just to be sure that no one walks in and decides to destroy all my belongings. That has happened before, twice, actually. It cost me a lot of bruises, scars, pride and money. It wasn't very enjoyable, as you could probably imagine. I walk with speed to the meadow in the forest, the quicker I move, the less chance I have of anyone seeing me. I do stand out quite a bit with my blue hair. Before I know it, I am stood under the full moon, it's light beaming down upon me, making my pale skin glow, and a minuscule smile to cross my lips. I always feel at peace in the moonlight, it is one of the only things that make me truly happy. I gather the small, blue/violet wildflowers in my hands, and head towards the enormous willow tree that Mama is buried under. Suddenly, the entire world begins to spin, the floor seeming to come closer to my body, which is being enveloped in a deep blue light.

Arisu. Arisu. Arisu. Was the last thing I heard before passing out.


I awoke in the middle of a garden. I shot up in alarm as I realised that I had never been here before. What on Earth is going on? Where the hell am I? I abruptly decide to check out my surroundings, it seems like the best option at the moment. In front of me is a huge, castle-like Academy, it towers over everything else, making me feel a lot smaller than I actually am. Behind me is a pure white gazebo, and in it is a boy. The boy has long, platinum blonde hair, with the top layer in a plait. He looks at me with large, curious ocean like blue eyes. "Hello, Miss! What's your name?" I stare at him in confusion, I don't trust him. Then again, I am biased, I don't trust anyone at all. "Do you not understand me? Do you not come from this Academy?" I roll my eyes, and fold my arms, taking on a pose that will allow me to defend myself if he is to attack me. "Of course I understand you, I am not an idiot, and no, for your information I do not come from this Academy, and I shall not tell you my name." He looks slightly offended at my rudeness, and I almost feel bad for him. The key word in that sentence being 'almost'. "Anyway, my name is Balder, Norse God of Light! You must not have met Zeus yet, else you would know exactly where you are! This was an Academy, built originally for Gods to understand humans, but it was destroyed last time we came here. I wonder if Yui is still here?" 

"What are you talking about? Gods do not exist, if they did, then one of them would have helped the unfortunate by now."

Balder looks really upset at my statement, again, he is making me feel bad for simply being myself. Idiot. "I should take you to Zeus, maybe he could help you understand!" I roll my eyes, but nod my head in agreement. He smiles at me and walks down the steps carefully. At the last step he trips, sending him flying in my direction, his obviously heavy body just about to come into contact with mine. I move out of the way quickly, staring at his pitiful figure, lying face to the floor and groaning in pain. He jumps back up after precisely 7 seconds of being on the floor, smiling and rubbing his head sheepishly. "Sorry, I tend to fall a lot." I sigh and nod in understanding, gesturing for him to lead the way. He does, in an overly joyful way, might I add. We eventually get to a large staircase, Balder looking at them nervously and taking ridiculously slow steps. I growl in annoyance, ignoring his questioning and apologetic look, heaving him onto my back, shivering in disgust of having to carry him like a child all the way up the stairs. "Miss, why are you carrying me?"

"I'm carrying you up the stairs because you will take forever if I don't," I answer bluntly. Balder stays silent for the rest of the journey upstairs. After what seems like forever, through much sweat and effort, I manage to get us both all the way up the staircase. "Miss, are you okay?" I look up in annoyance. "Yes, yes I am just fine. I am totally not exhausted after having to carry a 60 odd Kilogrammes of a man all the way up multiple stairs." The sarcasm in my voice is very evident, and his expression turns to one of a kicked puppy. I scoff in disbelief. He's so childish! It's amazing how I can figure out what type of person he is after having met him only 30 minutes ago. "Balder Hringhorni, Ota Arisu, enter." A loud, deep voice resonates through my head as we stand before the enormous, double oak doors. I groan in annoyance, now the brat knows my name! I open the doors and stride in, my face not holding any emotion. On a throne, sits a tall man with bright blonde hair and shocking blue eyes, an aura of authority around him, his face looking much too proud for his own good. I stand in front of him, waiting for him to speak. 

"Arisu Ota, you have been summoned here by me, the all-powerful God of the Skies, Zeus. Your job here is to learn the ways of the Gods, and become powerful enough to be one as you were at birth." I scoff and roll my eyes once more, what is it with these people and calling themselves Gods? "You do not believe me?" He asks me with a smirk. I growl in annoyance, these people are such idiots. "If I were to believe you, that would mean my entire life is a lie. I am not prepared to believe such a thing, my Mother fell in love with a selfish human man, and gave birth to me, thus beginning my terrible life on planet Earth."

"No, my child. Your Mother fell in love with me and gave birth to you on Earth. You and your brother, Apollon, were separated as she gave birth to him on Olympus. You were really named Artemis Zuki Belea, but for your safety,  you were hidden under the name Arisu Ota." I shake my head, not believing a word of what he is saying. "Ah, so stubborn. Indeed so much like your Mother was. Kurisuchin Ota was her name. Am I correct?" I growl at him, warning him to be silenced. "You do not speak her name." He stands up, towering over me. His staff at his side, he raises it in the air and calls down lightning to fall in front of me. I jump back. How did he do that? "I do as I wish, now, do you believe all I have said?" I look down and nod regretfully. I despise looking so weak in front of people.

"Correct, and now I will explain why you are here. Apollon Agana Belea,Hades Aidoneus,Tsukito Totsuka,Takeru Totsuka,Balder Hringhorni,Loki Laevatein,Thor Megingjard,Dionysus Thyrsos and Thoth Caduceus, will  be in charge of teaching you the ways of A god. You may leave. I shall call the others to introduce themselves soon enough." Zeus demands. I scowl and stride out of the room proudly. Just because I am being forced to attend this Academy, doesn't mean that I shall lose any hint of my pride.


"Ah! Are you Artemis?" I hear from behind me. I sigh, just wanting to be left alone to my thoughts. "Yes, I am. What do you want?" I don't speak kindly, I don't yet have a reason to, when I find one, which I won't, then I will talk to others kindly. "Eh, it's just that, Zeus told us to introduce ourselves, and well, he wanted us to do it first. I'm Apollon Agana Belea, I'm your Big Brother and the Greek God of the Sun!" The voice says cheerfully. I turn and face him, my eyebrows raised when I realise that two other males are also in front of me. "Hey! Don't forget me! I'm Dionysus Thyrsos, Greek God of Wine and Fertility. I'm also your Brother. Well, half-brother. But you know what I mean!" Why are they both so goddamn cheerful? It makes me want to crawl into a hole and cry! "I'm Hades Aidoneus. Greek God of the Underworld, I'm your Uncle. I apologise for any misfortune I may cause you." The other two groan, each of them slinging an arm over the miserable one. Well, at least not all of them are annoying and overly cheerful. I nod at them all and walk away to where I presume that my dorm is.

Unknown POV

This Artemis girl seems odd. For a sister of that nuisance, she is surprisingly cold and emotionless. And that aura. It seems dark for some reason.



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