Chapter 14: Truth or Dare Confessions

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Arisu's POV

After the dancing is finished (It's 8 o'clock now), Alonsa gathers us up for an idea. Let's just take a moment to worry for our lives... Okay we're done. "So, seen as we all obviously need to get to know each other better, I call for a sleepover!" Oh look at that. I think my jaw just dropped to the floor. I've never been to a sleepover. "What do you even do at a sleepover?" I ask, earning a loud gasp from Alonsa. She starts freaking out over it and shaking her head saying it isn't true. I look at her like she's insane, which she probably is. "We can play Truth or Dare and 20 questions and then we watch horror movies and laugh at the stupid people that get killed. Oh and of course we share stories from our pasts." And she rambles on and on. "It actually doesn't sound too bad, we can all meet up in my room." Alonsa squeals and claps her hands. Anubis hugs her around the waist so she doesn't hit anybody. Alonsa blushes slightly at the contact. I swear, those two are perfect for each other. After her fangirl session, we all head back to our dorms to get pajamas on. I pick out my usual black shorts and dark purple tank top. I change quickly and grab lots of blankets to make a blanket fort. I remember my ability to use gravity to lift things up, and by using it, I create the fort in less than 5 minutes. I run around the room throwing pillows in. I decide to grab some christmas lights I found in the store once and wrap them around in the fort. I smirk in approval of my work and wait for them to arrive. Apollon walks in first and gasps in amazement at my fort. "THIS IS AMAZING!!!"


"WHY ARE YOU ALL YELLING???" Takeru bellows as he walks into the room. Like Apollon he gasps in amazement. Everyone else pours in and also gasps. "I will never get over how amazing my little sister is." Dionysus says whilst throwing an arm over my shoulder, earning a few nods.

"Having the ability over gravity is really helpful." I tell them making Tsukito nod. "Anyway sit down so we can begin this new and peculiar experience." We all sit down except for Alonsa, who stands up almost immediately. I raise an eyebrow at her. "First we have got to play Truth or Dare, so Balder, Truth or Dare?" Balder looks up in a confused manner and points at himself. Alonsa rolls her eyes, but nods and grins. "Truth." I sigh in disappointment at the boring answer. Alonsa smirks and a few of us back away from her, kind of afraid of what she was going to ask. "What is  the most embarrassing situation you have been in with Loki?" Scarlet blushes run across both of their faces as I smirk. This should be interesting. Loki turns to face Balder and suddenly pins him to the floor, legs on either side of his waist. His lips clash against  Balder's and I sneakily take a picture. Alonsa pretends to walk into the room and drops a book she picked up off my shelf. "W-what???" She practically yells. Loki's and Balder's heads snap in her direction. Priceless shocked expressions on their faces, and then Loki clambers of Balder and sits back in his place. "So you two are official now?" I ask. Balder nods, a fierce blush still painting his cheeks. I look at Alonsa and nod, we both start squealing. "I ship it!" I yell.

"So do I!" We both squeal until we are held down by Anubis (for Alonsa) or  Thoth (for me). Everyone starts laughing/chuckling at our actions. "Anyway, Apollon, Truth or Dare?" Apollon smiles at him, and I smirk, hoping that he has to do something really funny. "Dare~" I burst out laughing. Balder grins and stands up, pointing a finger in Apollon's direction. "I dare you to wear one of your maid costumes and you have to keep it on until the end of the game!" Apollon's face falls and he begins pleading with Balder. "Oh shut it brother and get the outfit on." I interrupt. Apollon pouts but leaves to his dorm. We await his arrival and start giggling when he comes into the room. "Oh big brother, I never knew that you would so adorable as a maid. Hm perhaps I should make you call me Master and make me food." I hum in approval. "Whatever Artemis, anyway Loki, Truth or Dare?" 

"Truth," I sigh sadly.

"Okay, if you had to choose between obtaining nature powers or water powers, which would you choose?"

"I think I would have to go with water. I could create steam!Anyway Thoth, truth or dare?" Thoth, who is sat next to me, sighs but makes a decision either way. "Dare." I look at him in surprise. I would have never of thought he could be capable of choosing something as risky as dare. "I dare you to tell Artemis the thing that we discussed earlier." I raise my eyebrow and turn my entire body to face him. A deadly aura is around him, and a shadow covers half of his face. With a sigh he turns to me, takes my hands in his and kisses my forehead. "I love you." He tells me. My face burns in multiple shades of red. He looks at my face, trying to judge my emotions. He just... Ah stuff the cute crap. I grab his head and smash my lips onto his. "I-I like you too, idiot." I mutter when I pull away. He grabs my face and kisses me again, so forcefully that I fall on the floor. "You're adorable." He whispers causing me to go even more red and hit him over the head. "No I'm not you idiot!" He smirks and presses a chaste kiss to my cheek. He pulls me back up and onto his lap. "Now, Takeru, Truth or Dare?" Takeru whimpers and shuffles slightly. "Truth." Thoth pulls multiple pictures of Takeru and Apollon kissing, he smirks and shows them to everyone, ending with Takeru, who is sat next to Apollon. "What are these?" Takeru blushes a bright red and looks at the floor. "Me and Apollon are dating." He says bluntly. I smirk and look at my also blushing brother. "That is an interesting piece of information that I could quite possibly use against you, but I won't because I am a nice sister." Apollon buries his head in Takeru's shoulder. "Oh My Goodness, Apollon is an uke!" I clap my hands and cackle.

"What does 'uke' mean?" Apollon asks.

"It means you bottom in a relationship." I state causing him to go red. He tries to protest but Takeru interrupts. "Yes he is." I giggle at that. 

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