Chapter 10: A-Artemis?!?

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Arisu's POV

As I slip back into consciousness, I feel a light pressure on my hand. Rubbing my eyes with my free hand, I turn to see Thoth, sitting beside my bed in an obviously uncomfortable position. I blush, remembering what he had told me last night, and with a sigh, I take my hand out of his and get out of bed. Gently I lift his much larger and heavier figure onto the bed, laying him in a comfortable position. Looking at his calm sleeping face, I peck his forehead. I hustle about quietly in my room, gathering clothes and things for a shower. I walk into my bathroom, painted like the night sky and slowly peel the filthy clothes off of my frail body. I look in the full length mirror and wince as I see the red marks staining my back. I shake my head and hop in the shower. I turn the heat up, gradually filling the bathroom with steam. My necklace still hangs around my neck. It feels like forever since I first received it.  It has only actually been about 3 months and 2 weeks. Suddenly I notice something different about it. On the pendant is 5 jewels, 3 of them are lit up and the other 2 are dull. I stare in wonder at it, warm water running in droplets down my scarred back. When the shower beeps to tell me that there is no more warm water,  I turn it off and get out of the shower. I dry myself, being extra gentle on my sore skin. Getting dressed in a black hoodie, black short sleeved t-shirt, grey jeans and black trainers, I make sure that none of my scars are visible. I nod slightly at myself in the mirror and walk back out into my room. There Thoth is sitting up in the bed, hair looking dishevelled and eyes scanning the room. "Hey." I say as I walk towards him. He stares at me for a moment, making me slightly uncomfortable. "You're really alive." He notes as he stands up and makes the bed. 

"Well yeah, of course I am." Thoth shoots a slight glare in my direction, his fists noticeably clenching. I see him take a deep breath. "In 3 months anything could of happened. You are already really underfed and have scars littering your body, who knows what else could of happened?" His voice is sharp, but not raised. He seems to be trying to calm himself down. I walk up to his turned- away-from-me form and hug him around the waist. "But nothing really bad did happen, Thoth, it's not as bad as my Uncles beatings. And anyway, I'm here now so it doesn't matter what happened now that I am safe again." I tell him softly.

"It does matter though Artemis! He hurt you!" Thoth says spinning around to face me. Gripping my chin in his hand, he forces me to look at him. "I don't want to see you hurt, you've gone through enough of that." I feel a blush light up my cheeks at his caring tone. He puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me into a hug, my face buried into his firm chest. I can feel my heartbeat accelerate as we stand there in my room, hugging. "I missed you." I whisper into his chest, surprised when he hears me. He chuckles deeply. "You don't know how hard it is to deal with yourself and multiple depressed Gods." I giggle slightly at this.

"I suppose I really aught to go and see them." I pull away from the hug. Just as I turn around to walk away, he calls my name. "Yeah?" I ask.

"Don't leave again." His request is simple, but still adorable. I smile and peck his cheek quickly. 

"Trust me, I'm not intending to." And with that I walk out of the room, my heart racing from my previous actions.

~Quick Timeskip~

I head down to the dining hall, hoping to find someone there. When I open the doors I have to stifle a giggle at the sight. All Gods except for Thoth and Zeus are sat down and trying to figure out how to get me back. "Well, I do hate to interrupt your meeting, but why exactly are you all gathered here?" I ask them with a raised eyebrow. "A-Artemis?!?" Apollon yells standing up. Dionysus and Hades follow his lead standing up in shock. "Yup~" I chirp, smirking slightly. In an instant there are hugs and tears, mainly from Apollon. Everyone is crowded around me asking how I got away and such. "Guys stop." They do. "I don't want to talk about what happened and such so please stop asking." They all nod and back off for a bit. Suddenly I hear a loud squeal from the other side of the room as  Alonsa bursts in. "Artemis!" All I can see is a ginger blur before I am tackled to the floor in a hug. She nuzzles her face in my shoulder. "I missed you big sister." That whisper made me smile and hug her back. Eventually she gets of me. I stand back up and rub my neck awkwardly. "Hey there Alonsa." Her eye twitches.

"Is that all you have to say?" She asks sharply.

"Um... Sorry?" 

"Yes Sorry! 3 months you've left me alone for do you have any idea of how worried I was? Very that's how-" She is cut of by Anubis kissing her firmly. They stand there kissing for a few minutes before they pull away, both blushing heavily. I lean on Apollon. "I ship it." I whisper. Apollon smiles and laughs a little bit. "I think everyone does. Now we're just waiting for you and Thoth to get together." I put my hands in front of me standing straight again. "Woah Woah Woah! Thoth does NOT like me and I do NOT like him either, besides he wouldn't go for someone like me." I state my hands on my hips. Despite all this though my cheeks still heat up. "Yes because your blush really says that you don't like him." A sarcastic remark comes from Loki. I blush deeper. Do I like Thoth like that? Is it even possible? I mean sure, I missed him a bit more than everyone else, but is it possible for me to hold feelings for someone? "Yes it is possible for you to love Thoth. I can sense emotions and you have a VERY strong liking towards him." Alonsa says, emphasizing the 'very'.

"No way! I don't fall in love!" I reply stubbornly. 

"Yes, yes you do. It's obvious you both like the other, so just admit it!" Balder says standing in front of me. "Really? You too Balder?"  I whine.

"Given my notes on human feelings, it is kind of obvious you like him." Tsukito says in that quiet monotone voice. "Yeah, brothers right." And another comment from Takeru. I frown and turn away from them. "You can't really mask your emotions that well when it involves Thoth." 

"UGH! You guys are so annoying!" I explode, storming out of the dining hall. Who do they think they are? I can NOT fall in love! It's impossible! Oh but he is kind of hot... God dammit brain, why am I thinking that? There is no possible way that I can love him! Nope, Nu-uh, Nada, not possible! On my way down the hallway, I bump into none other that Thoth, the man that everyone seems to think I like. "Oh, um, hey?" I say, it sounding almost like a question.

"Hey." We both just kind of stand there for a moment in awkward silence.

"Well I'm going to my room/ I'm heading to the library." We both say at exactly the same time, looking at each other in surprise, before starting to laugh. Well, I laughed, he just kind of smirked. "Well it's off to the library then." I mutter under my breath after my laughing fit. He hums in approval and we walk in silence to the library.

Little did I know that Anubis and Alonsa were both planning on trying to get us together.

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