Toby+Julia <3

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Someone covered my eyes, but instead of screaming, I simply said, "Toby?" "How did you know it was me?" He smiled cheekily. "No one but you would do that, plus your cologne is strong..." I joked. "Really?" He sniffed his shirt. "No, you dork, now stop sniffing yourself!" I laughed.

"Prom this friday! The social event of the year! At 8!" Cheerleaders passed out fliers for this year's prom. Hillary, the captain, came by our table and shamelessly flirted with Toby,"So.. Are you going to prom babe?"She asked, leaning closer to him. "Yeah, now I'm sorry but we have to go now." Toby said, grabbing my hand and walking out of the lunchroom. "Ughh. She really needs to back off." I stated. "Why, you jealous?"

"Eww, no." I said, playfully pushing his arm. Our hands still locked. "Oh, you know you love me Julia." He joked.

I stayed silent, but rolled my brown eyes. A lock of my brown hair fell in front of my face, and Toby gently tucked it behind my ear. "So, prom, this year's theme is so sappy. I mean, Hollywood Lights?" He said. "Pshh, I happen to think its great, besides the fact that it's hosted in our gym, and will be full of the plastic bimbos." That's what I called girls like Hillary.

"So, are you going?" He asked. "I don't know, I don't really feel like being by myself drinking punch the whole time." I said. "Jul, you could always go with me?" He said, coming out more as a question. "What do you mean?" I was confused. "Julia. I guess I'm trying to ask you to go to prom with me. Please?" He asked, looking into my eyes, and held my hand.

"Of course." I smiled. He grinned back and wrapped me into the biggest hug ever.

Now I was confused, yet estatic.

I have been friends with Toby forever, and we were best friends. I had 'fallen in love with my best friend' as books would say. And now, I wasn't sure he liked me back, or if he just didn't have anyone else to go with.

~ * ~


My phone buzzed, and I looked to see-

From: MyBestestFriendTob<3

I'll be there at 7, mom wants pictures ;)

And yes, he put in his contact...

I texted back-

To: MyBestestFriendTob

Ok, tell your mom I said hi! :)

His house was like my second home, and his Mom treated me like I was her own. She was excited about the fact of me and Toby going to prom together, as well as my mom.

My dress was strapless, and was slim fitting up until the waist, where it poofed out a bit. It was cream, and had a teal ribbon tied around the waist and a teal trim bottom. It was perfect, and it made me feel beautiful. I did my makeup, with a natural look with a little bit of blush, eyeliner, tad of mascara, and light lipgloss. I normally never wear makeup, but it was prom afterall.

My mom hugged me and said, "You look beautiful hun." "You really do." My dad added.

I smiled and said my thanks as the doorbell rang. "That must be Toby." I smiled, unable to control my eagerness. I opened the door to Toby. He looked, wow. He had a suit, and tightened his tie as he saw me staring. "Take a picture it lasts longer." He joked. He was gaping at me too, and I said, "Close your mouth Tob, you'll catch flies." He rolled his eyes.

We went outside to take pictures, and Mom got out her 'good' camera. She snapped numerous pictures as he put his hand around my waist, held my hand, and hugged me. "One last one sweetie." My mom said. Toby put his hand around my shoulders.

"No, no, no. How about a kiss on the cheek?" She said, winking. I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks, just as I was to protest, Toby said, "Sure." And he kissed me on the cheek.

I about fainted right then and there. It felt, just wow.

"Bye Julia, have fun. Toby, take care if her." My dad said, staring Toby down. "I will sir." Toby said sincerely. "Bye Mom, bye dad!" I called as we got in Conner's truck.

We both had our learner's, but to be on the safe side, Conner was taking us, and Riley was in the passenger seat. "So, you love birds excited?" Conner asked. "Thanks for taking us Conner." I said, dodging his question. Riley coughed. "I don't know why you're here!" Toby said ro Riley, teasing.

"Pleaasse, you guys are happy to be in my presence."He said. "Sureee." I said.

Suit and Tie but Justin Timberlake played, and I about died laughing when Toby said, "YEAH! THIS IS MY JAM!" And gestured to his suit, pulled at his tie, and started dancing. I was clutching my stomach laughing, and by the end of the song, we were all jamming out and ignoring the stares of nearby drivers.

~ * ~

AT PROM <3 :

After a car ride of dancing, singing, teasing and joking around, we got to prom. This is it, I thought. I straightened my dress, and Toby took my hand as we walked up to the gym.

The Hollywood Lights theme was spot on, from the hollywood sign to the skyscrapers in the distance. Even the lighting complimented the theme. It was perfect.

Toby smiled, and led me to the dancefloor. This was a faster song, and we danced around crazily. People were staring at us, but I didn't care.

We danced to several songs, and drank some punch. There was a chocolate fountain, and I drowned a marshmellow. Toby laughed as I 'skillfully' stuck it in my mouth, making sure nothing got on my dress. Toby laughed at me, causing me to blush.

It was time for the first slow song of the night. Couples started piling onto the dancefloor. "May I have this dance?" He said, grinning. "It would be an honor." He led me out to the floor, and we danced. And good thing he knew how to dance, because I surely wasn't the best. He was even patient when I repeatedly stepped on his toes.

He looked into my eyes, as I melted into his brown swirls. He leaned in, and before I knew it, our lips connected, and I smiled into the kiss. Cue the movie fireworks.



JuliaCarson I hope you like it! This is my first BYE writing. I'm working on a Toby fanfic, but will post it when I'm sure it's ready, and have at least a few chapters done.

I would appreciate it a lot if you guys would vote, and leave a comment. Thanks for reading!

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