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  All rights and characters created by George Lucas...

      Poe Dameron scouted out the wreckage of the fallen x wing, looking for anything of emotional value. But as time went on, and the more he shifted through the the bent wing, ruined cockpit, and the hopelessly mangled engine, the more his moral plummeted.

    As soon as that thought accursed him, all Poe could imagine was the flame-consumed body of the craft striking the face of the planet and torn to strips of charred metal hurling through the planet's atmosphere.

     He thoughts whirled darkly and bitterly, "It's all my fault..."

     Even though there was no way in the galaxy that was true, guilt still gnawed in his gut, feeling that acid emotions were consuming him from the inside, without logic or reasoning.

      As soon as he reached the compartment where eager droids were carried by a pulley system into the holding station for them, Poe Dameron, hardly older than 15, kicked the hull of the fallen starship.

     It was almost an automatic reflex.

     He always did that just before his parents left, sort of a farewell, a 'see you again' gesture.

    Well. That. Wasn't. True.

     The force vibrated and shifted the weight of the x wing, causing it to tilt toward the sun, and further widening a long, narrow gash in the belly of the starship, and cracking the fragile glass along the cockpit.

     Well, that seemed to surprise whatever was still stuck inside because a faint, weak beep sounded from inside...

Hello, this is my first fanfiction story, although I have been coming up with ideas for years. After all, I've loved books since I was able to read, and have been active in fandoms for many years. This, however, is my first published story and I'm grateful for any comments/constructive criticism. Also, your thoughts are most appreciated:) I'll post the next chapter if this gets 3 votes or comments:D Feel free to chat anytime and don't forget to follow<3
~ @inspiredauthor36 (W.M.S)

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