Chapter 3: Betrayal

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Poe continued down the hallway, away from the resentment he had left behind.

Tonight. That's when they leave.

He had only 12 hours to complete his quest, and it was like a constant cloud of worry that hung over his head. Not only that, but he had few ideas on how to stop his parents from attempting this insane mission.

Shaking his head in utter and unavoidable despair, he entered his room, fuming.

BB-8, parents droid, who Poe was fond of, but justly, found him slightly annoying was whirring around the room.

As soon as Poe stepped over the threshold, BB-8 rolled over to where he was standing and let out one long bleeeeeep, two short beep beep, and one whirling click.

It seemed to be saying, 'I heard ever thing you said, Poe.'

Poe glared at him, shocked at how frank a droid could be, and how emotionless. He got down on his knee and look at BB-8, staring directly into his lens that he used to see out of.

"BB-8, you need to understand. I. Have. No. Choice. I'm out of ideas, and there is nothing I can do. But I'm going to keep trying, no matter what."

The droid stood still a moment, and then began to tilt side to side frantically, letting out fleeting, high-pitched squeals. It caused suck a ruckus, several models fell of their place on the shelf.

Poe stood up, his legs aching, and looked back at BB-8 still shaking passionately. Suddenly, his mind cleared, and a new plan formed. He could use the droid for his plan, he just knew it. He leaned against the wall, and BB-8 rolled over.

          It beeped asking, 'What do you want?'

          Poe didn't answer for a few moments, still trying the comprehend the new possibilities. Using the droid seemed so simple, like it was an option staring him in the face the whole time. He looked down at the animated droid, and felt a sudden, yet equal jolt of surprise.

            But that could have been because BB-8 had just shocked him.

            "Ouch!" He shouted, glaring at the fleeing droid. Massaging his shins, which still sizzled and crackled with electricity, he chased after the droid, cursing.

             Finally, after prying BB-8 from behind of sliding panel in the wall, Poe placed him in the middle of the room. His fingers hovered over the power down button, and he stood there, his breath puffing out in short, rapid outbursts.

            "BB-8 -stay still!- now you need to listen to me. Wait...!" BB-8 attempted a wild escape, rolling it's heavy body over Poe's foot, and sprinting (can droids sprint?) to the automatic door. He lunged for the escaping droid, his fingers wrapping around it's cumbersome body, and anchoring it to the floor. A loud thump resounded around the hollow room.

            BB-8 looked simply affronted. It's head tilted forward, as if it knew something Poe didn't.

            It whirred, clicked, and beeped saying: 'Get off! Get off! Now!'

             "Fine. Fine. Fine!" Poe released his hold on the bulky droid and sat back on his heels. He shook his head, his floppy hair sprawling into his dark eyes.

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