Chapter 1: Poe Dameron

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Poe Dameron, fighter pilot and hero of the Resistance. But is there more than meets the eye?

{Note: Poe is 15 years old.}

Poe leaned back in the chair, hovering over the over-scrubbed floor. He fiddled with the dials on the desk and adjusted the wings on his star ship model, contemplating whether or not to listen in on the secret conversation surely taking place only a few yards away.

Finally kicking aside junk on the floor, he crept past the sliding door, emitting a low, hardly audible hiss as it opened, and slunk past the long, fluorescent filled hallway into the control room.

A droid, incased in what looked like gold plating, sat monitoring a hologram screen, sending different contrast of blue and orange spiraling across the control room like sunlight.

    Also, a low murmur filled the room and vibrated through the hollow metal walls, causing the ground to hum.

     "...don't know what happened to him..."

     "...Ben Solo... Jedi... Luke Skywalker..."

     Kes Dameron and Shara Bey Dameron, Poe's parents, stood conversating quietly with Princess "General" Leia and Han, stood next to the glowing blue holograms.

     "Luke is working with Ben... Seems to be agitated... Don't know what do do," Leia spoke rapidly, gesturing wildly with her hands, seeming frantic.

     Han responded seeming almost nonchalant. His dark hair ruffled and uneven and his smile was slightly crooked.

     "Ben's fine. He's just stressed... No big deal."

     Kes spoke, his deep voice resonating through out the room,"What does that mean to us?" He wasn't being rude, just honest.

     Poe shifted, catching his elbow in a knob, letting out a soft ping. He cursed himself inwardly, awkwardly shifting to the side. The adults didn't respond, acting as if they had not heard the metallic crack also.

Leia pulled at her hair in it intricate braids sighing, "We have rumors that a organization called 'The First Order' is rising from the ashes of the Empire. It might become a big problem."

Shara nodded as if she already inferred all of this information, she was a thoughtful and intellectual person, always seeming one step ahead of any conversation.

"Like the Resistance rose from the Rebellion..."

Leia nodded her braids bouncing up and down, "Yes, exactly like that." She bit her lip. "We believe their leader may be influencing Ben, controlling or at least having some say in his choices.

He's become much more distant lately." She looked up, her calf-brown eyes watering.

Poe almost didn't worry about anything they were saying. He knew Ben from a few years ago, but he was always just a little off putting. Poe knew Ben to be arrogant and slightly manipulative. His sister, who he saw little of, was kind enough though.

The next thing they said chilled him to the bones: "We need you to fly by the planet we believe they're constructing the StarKiller Base on."

Poe wheezed, trying to inhale air. Why would they purposely fly directly into a stronghold? Don't they know that if it is a problem, they would die before they could report back?

He peeked over the console, just in time to see his parents nodding in agreement.

"When do we leave?"

Han and Leia ducked their heads, seeming almost guilty, "Tomorrow if possible, preferably at night, because it's supposed to be a secret mission. You just need to confirm the activity and whereabouts of the base. Any other information would be useful too."

"I'm not supposed to know about this," Poe thought, but not guilty in the least.

Kes shifted his weight onto his leg that wasn't injured. He had hurt it in a crash, so now he walked with a heavy limp on his right leg.

"If it benefits the Resistance, I'm in." He responded with bleak enthusiasm.

Shara pressed her lips together ,nodding at the same time, "One more thing: They may try to stop us, as in: destroy our starship. What about Poe? What will happen to him?"

Leia nodded as if she understood, and glanced at Han, once more, "If anything goes wrong, I assure you he'll be okay, he has great potential to be a pilot anyway. We'll take care of him, just make sure he doesn't know anything about this mission."

But Poe Dameron, who had already heard it, all slipped away, a plan already forming in his mind...


If you continued reading, thank you! Seriously, thanks for reading my fanfiction! If you have any ideas for the plot or are excited after the latest cliff hanger, comment below. Thanks for your support, and tag anyone you think would like to read this:) I'll update this chapter if it's gets 4 votes and/or 4 comments. Thanks guys, hope you have a wonderful day! <3

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