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Hey kids, just your awko author here. Thanks for coming this far. Wanna hear a joke?

Boys suck.

*Across the Universe by The Beatles

*Imagine by John Lennon

*Red Roulette by Dirty Dishes

Louise curled her toes and gazed at her ceiling through the darkness. 

What happens when I fall asleep and Mr. Ralph walks in on my "episode". Will he wake me? Isn't it bad to wake sleep-walkers? Would I even have a wandering dream?

Paranoia thought ricocheted through her head, each thought scaring her a little more, each one slowly convincing her she needed to just stay awake until he got there.

That's not an option, Louise had already missed more than the allotted amount, she had to be her best if she was to pass.

Louise gripped her smooth white sheets in her freckled hands, bringing them to her face to inhale the sweet scent of home, of Anna.

Just the mere smell brought Louise close to tears, but she knew Anna would want her to be strong. For once, Louise was independent. Since her father departed it had instantly been a breath of frosty new air into her lungs. But this was too much, Louise felt out of place and unprotected with her only savior. 

Louise's breath came out in shudders. Her shoulders rocked, but she refused the tears. Tears would be a sign of helplessness.

I am big enough to deal with this. Louise made her thoughts firm, full of confidence.

Louise weighed her options, and decided that she would block her door in the night, since the knob lacked a lock from the inside. Her room could only be locked from the outside and she doubted she could trust her brother with that kind of responsibility. 

Louise hopped from her nest she had made in the sheets and drug her oak dresser in front of her closed door. 

Tonight she would sleep. Gain her strength for the next days, and try to read the rest of her journal. Louise needed answers, and right now the wrinkled old book seemed her best option.

* * *

Louise rose from her bed, her eyes were concentrated on some thing in the distance. Almost robotically she strode over to the wooden dresser blocking her door, she pushed it away with out effort.

But when her warm hands connected with the icy door knob, involuntary chills made their way down her spine. Louise scrunched her eyes shut and pressed her ear against the door, she could hear... breathing?

Louise jumped backward, instant paranoia swept through her. 


Louise was careful to keep quiet, more than careful, when she slowly turned the door knob. She had to see if it was Ralph. 

Could it possibly be mother?

Louise was doubtful, but an unfaltering ray of hope pushed her to crack the door with a slight squeak. She peeked around the corner just enough to see the scraggly beard that Ralph sported.

* * *

School. Ew.

The first emotion Louise felt was disgust, as soon as her alarm blared out, the feeling glistened over her body.

But then she remembered Aidan, the way he made her hatred towards Griffin dissipate like evaporating water in the middle of July. 

Louise's heart fluttered at just the memory. Suddenly, pulling her creaky bones from her mattress didn't seem so horrifying.

Louise pushed her way up onto her feet and trudged over to her closet.

The clothes that occupied it were mostl-- all black. 

Louise liked it that way, black was a mysterious color. The color of darkness, the depths of the sea, the universe. 

Louise smiled as she pulled the prettiest dress she owned and placed it on the bed. 

Today I will see Aidan.

Hey... I'm sorry, this is totally a filler I had literally no drive. I've had a pretty shitty couple of weeks. People. Ew. Idk, it's just fucking tiresome with this new high school thing. But I've learned some thing, I am the only one who I can rely on. I suggest you follow this. Wow, that was bleak. I hope you all still want to read after this. lol. Goodbye my fellow troops. Keep on keeping on.

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