Chapter 11

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Sweat pebbled along her skin. The light from the lantern was now a dull illuminant that was slowly fading out. Hany was tired. Her skin was sensitive to the touch from constantly being caressed. She could take no more. Andrew was like an insatiable child in a candy store. Over and over again it went. She groaned as she felt herself being lifted off the bed. "No...more. Andrew, please."

He chuckled into her ear. "Alright, darling. " He pulled her onto his chest, his arms secure around her.

She didn't even have the strength to fight him anymore. She felt utterly drained. He pulled her further up his chest until her cheek was resting on his shoulder. She was straddling him, her hands resting on his upper arms.

"Get some sleep, Hany." He mumbled into her hair. She didn't have to be told twice. Her eyes fluttered shut as sleep found her with ease.


Hany woke up with the help of the daylight filtering into the room. She squinted at the brightness suddenly surrounding her. She stretched, a small gasp passing her lips as soreness travelled up her back. She froze as all of last night floated to mind. Embarrassment flooded her thoughts as she realized that she had succumbed to his touch. It had all been one big pleasurable haze that now haunted her.

She had fought him uselessly only to end up screaming his name and welcoming his kisses. She placed her hands back on the bed but nearly shrieked when her fingertips grazed warm, soft skin. She looked beneath her and her eyes widened.

Andrew's arms were loose around her waist. His eyes were closed, his long lashes fanning his cheeks. His lips parted as he breathed. Hany couldn't help but find him...well, adorable. His sleeping face was one filled with innocence. She frowned, that innocent face was completely fake, she mussed. She could strangle the man. The thought seemed more than pleasing at that moment. The bed was in total disarray. She was completely impulsive and her eyes searched the bed for a pillow. Smothering him sounded more than appealing. 

The bed's comforter was half on the bed and half off, hanging onto the floor. Pillows were thrown all over the place. Hany stared at the nearest pillow, biting her bottom lip in thought. After a moment of battling thoughts she sighed, she wouldn't suffocate him. No matter how angry she was it just was not in her to kill him that way. Besides, she'd rather he be awake when she strangled him.

Andrew stirred beneath her, his hands moving up her body as he rolled over, pulling her with him. He was now on top of her, squeezing her close, his face buried in her neck. She grabbed for his shoulders, twisting and turning in his embrace. He was holding her much too tight in his sleep.

"Wake up! Andrew, wake up! Must you squeeze the air from my lungs?" She screamed as she tried to pry his arms off her. He remained silent and still.

"Andrew!" She snapped once more before smacking him in the back of the head. He groaned into her neck.

She smacked him again and this time she got a response from him. He sighed, his grip on her loosening up. "Get up!" She shouted once more. He stretched on top of her before moving onto his elbows.

"Good morning to you too." He mumbled sleepily. His voice was deep and filled with the after math of a peaceful sleep.

"Get off me!" She snapped as she pushed him off her. She quickly sat up, sliding her way down the bed. She went to stand but as soon as her feet hit floor her legs gave out. Her legs were like jelly. Andrew jumped out of bed and moved toward her.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern as he reached for her, pulling her gently up. She leaned into him, trying to catch her balance.

He smirked as he sat her back down on the bed. "You can't feel your legs can you?"

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