Chapter 16

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Jewel smacked Andrew's arm. "You are something else! How could you...kidnap her? She's a human being, Andrew! She's not a new puppy or a new horse! You can't just take her whenever you like!"

Andrew listened to his sister reprimand him. "You're right."

Her jaw dropped, "Oh, my God. Are you alright? Do you have a fever?" She reached for his forehead but he brush her hand away, laughter on his lips. "I'm not sick, Jewel. Or maybe I am..."

She frowned at his words before sighing. "Well, that's good. I'll feel less awful for killing you if you're healthy!"

"How could you do that to poor sweet Hany! My God, you're an animal! I'm losing the best cook I've ever had because of you and your stupid lust! I swear I should put you over my knee and give you a bloody beating!"

Andrew reached for Jewel, crushing her in a bear hug. "I assure you I deserve anything you're about to say but I need to talk to Hany. She can't leave until I've at least told her how I feel." He released Jewel before making a beeline for the kitchen, leaving her staring after him with confusion. He walked into the kitchen but snarled a string of curses when he found the space empty of whom he was looking for. It was empty all except for a maid who seemed preoccupied with sweeping the floor. He raked a shaky hand through his hair before approaching the maid.

"Excuse me? Can you tell me where Hany is?" Andrew asked the maid. She froze before swiftly turning to meet his gaze. Vera blushed crimson, nearly dropping the broom in her hands.

"Mr. Hugh." She mumbled.

"Hany? Where is she?" He tried again with more urgency.

She blinked before clearing her throat, "She's packing her bags, sir."

He froze, running a hand down his face. The dread that filled him was unlike anything he had felt before. "Where is she?"

"Oh, um, in her room. In the worker's quarters." Vera managed to get out through her ogling.

"Damn it...," he mumbled, "thank you." He headed for the door with the intention of going to look for her himself but he didn't get far. Suddenly he was being hugged tightly from behind. He stiffened, the arms around him sent a sick feeling to the pit of his stomach. He pried the arms off of him and turned to face the culprit of the sudden unasked for affection. Vera stared up at him with wide lust filled eyes. Her cheeks were tinted pink and her lips were parted.

"You can wait for her here..." She suggested. "She'll be coming up soon to say her goodbyes."

He frowned, his interest no even remotely peaked. Before Hany he would have gladly taken her up on her offer. Before Hany he would have accepted her obvious lustful look. But the thought of entertaining this woman was not a happy one.

"Thank you but I'll have to decline." He said adamantly. He moved to turn around and she went to stop him only to stumble, landing clumsily against his chest. He caught her, losing his footing in the process. They landed on the floor together with a loud, painful thud. Vera was nestled on top of him, his arm around her waist. He winced as he sat up, "Are you alright?"

She pushed her hair from her face, embarrassment coloring her cheeks. "Yes, I'm sorry."

He sighed before sitting up all the way. "It's fine. Can you stand? Are you sure you're alright?"

Vera nodded and just as she went to get off of his lap the sound of something hitting the floor caught both of their attention.

Andrew's eyes widened as he spotted Hany standing at the door, a leather bag of clothing sitting at her feet before her. Hany's eyes were filled with obvious emotion at the sight of the two. They were in a compromising position, Vera nestled against him and straddling him, her skirt haphazardly thrown around her legs, a blush on her cheeks. Andrew's hands on her hips.

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