Chapter 10

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Andrew slid Hany down his body, closing the bedroom door behind them. She pushed away from him, staring at him with blazing eyes.

"You can't fight this forever, Hany." He said as he took a step toward her. She moved back, avoiding him as best she could. He moved past her, rounding the bed to place the lantern in his hand on the bedside table.

Hany watched him before making a beeline for the door. Just as she grabbed the knob Andrew's palm slammed the door shut again, locking her in the span of his arms. Her back was pressed firmly to his chest. She held her breath, squeezing her eyes shut.

He kissed the space behind her ear, his lips grazing her skin. She shook her head, wiggling in the space. "Stop it!"

He nipped her earlobe, "You know how long I've wanted you?"

"Get off me!" She snapped as she managed to turn herself around, escaping his arms. Her chest was heaving. Her hair falling from the tight bun she had placed it in. He moved toward her with slow purposeful steps. She ran for the other side of the bed, shrieking when he reached for her.

"Enough, already! You don't want me Andrew... not really." Hany bit out as he reached for her again.

He ran around the bed, catching her slightly off guard. She tried to run past him, only to be grabbed. Andrew's arm tight around her waist. She was lifted off the ground and deposited with a quickness on the bed.

Andrew climbed on top of her, kissing her lips with unrestrained passion. She twisted and turned, trying to push him away but her attempts her for naught. He merely kissed her harder, tucking her hair. 

"You bloody idiot! Must you handle me like an animal?" She managed to get out between his savage kisses. At her words he softened up at bit, his fingers loosening their grip on the curly fro on top her head. He tilted her head back, running his tongue across her neck and collar bone. She gasped as she felt the flutters of awareness moving down her spine, bringing her arousal to life.

His fingers released her hair and travelled down to her shoulders. She found herself lost to his kisses for a moment until he began to remove her dress, his fingertips grazing her bare skin. She kicked wildly beneath him, trying her best to keep him from removing the last barrier of resistance. She knew that if he truly touched her bare skin she would be lost forever to him. That couldn't happen, she couldn't allow Andrew to turn her mush.

He flipped her over as if she weighed nothing, his hands sliding up her dress as he pulled it off of her. She watched as her dress flew across the bed, hitting the floor with a silent whoosh. Her heart was pounding in her chest like a drum. It's beat only heard through her own ears. Andrew quickly pulled off his shirt. He kicked his shoes off one by one. The sound of his shoes hitting the floor snapped Hany out of her daze and she flinched.

She turned on the bed, her hair falling into her face. The afro about her head, her soft cocoa colored only added to his arousal. He reached for his trousers, pulling them open before off. He moved toward her and she scrambled up the bed. Andrew grabbed her arm, yanking her back. She landed against his chest.

She fought him, her fists flying, her legs kicking, her chest heaving. She refused to succumb to him. To refused to adhere to his soft caresses or the tingling between her legs. Wasn't she stronger than this temptation? Wasn't she stronger than this intense lust?

Andrew pinned her down, her hands above her head. He nestled comfortably between her legs, his hardness pressing against her. She gasped before letting out a scream of utter frustration.

He leaned toward her, placing a kiss on her lips. She turned her head from side to side but it did no good. "Let me make love to you." He mumbled against her lips.

"I will not be treated as you treat all of your women!" She shouted back before bucking beneath him.

He continued to pin her down, his eyes growing misty with an emotion she had never seen in him before "You think me a cad, Hany." He trailed his tongue across her bottom lip and almost instinctively her lips parted. He slid his tongue home and despite her protest she kissed him back, her breath catching in her throat. She sighed against his mouth. He lavished kisses across her face, using one hand to trail down her body, gently caressing her warm skin. "I could never treat you like any other woman. God, Hany, you are like no other woman I've ever met. Don't you know that?"

They stared at each other for a moment, silence and rapid heartbeats all that sounded in the room. She ran her eyes over his handsome face, trying to tell herself that his words were just the seductions of a womanizer. His gaze was unwavering, his breath warm as if fanned along her cheek. He leaned toward her, pressing kisses along her face and neck.

He sucked along her neck, his fingers played over her hardened nipples and she shivered. "Do you like that?" He asked breathily into her ear. She stayed silent, trying to steel the expression of pleasure from her face. She was in complete denial, she knew it. The pleasurable tingling spreading throughout her body was something she did not want to acknowledge. Doing so would be admitting defeat; it would be admitting that she enjoyed Andrew's touch, his kisses, his voice. He released her wrist and moved down her body, his mouth tantalizing her breast. His hand moved further and further down until he cupped her sex. His fingers worked magic on her there and she bucked, her hips wiggling to avoid the powerful yearning growing between her legs. She grabbed at his curly tendrils of hair, fisting at handfuls of it as he worked her body into a frenzy.

"Oh... Andrew... Please," she cried as she felt warmth shoot up her spine, a wonderful yet unfamiliar explosion bursting through her. She arched her back, clamping her legs shut around him.

He moved back up her body, kissing her lips with simmering need. He pulled her legs apart before positioning himself at her entrance. She caught her breath, her body still rocking with euphoric high it was on. She placed her hands at his chest, just as he thrust into her and she stiffened, her hands balling into fist against his chest.

Andrew froze...he hadn't expected this. She had talked of sex so easily. She talked of romance and love as if she knew of those things. He looked into her eyes and he suddenly regretted being consumed with need. He cupped her face in his hands, "Oh, Hany..."

She groaned, slapping his hands away. "Don't, not now." She said as her body began to relax, her legs spreading wider. She didn't want to hear his thoughts of this moment any longer. Not now, not when she was abuzz with such a tantalizing feeling of ecstasy continuing to build inside her. 

He shook his head before grabbing her chin in his hands, tilting her head up. He pecked her lips gently before thrusting. She was caught off guard but felt no pain, only an egging for more of something... She twisted but he pulled her back down, wrapping his arms around her waist. She  yanked at his hair, urging her lips down onto her own and he obliged. He kissed her anywhere that he could as he continued to pound steadily, slowly into her.

His thrusting became pleasurable beyond words, her legs wrapped around his waist in a chokehold tight enough to cut off circulation. Her hips moved of their own accord, meeting him. It seemed to go on forever. He grinded his hips into her, driving himself deeper and deeper and she gasped.

"You're everything I expected and more... Oh, Hany." He mumbled in her ear. "I loathe you! But God, I adore you so much more! If I died right here, right now, wrapped in you I could only be so grateful..." He moaned out against her ear as he pulled out before sinking into her and that was her undoing, her toes curled, her breath caught, her body trembled. "Look what you do to me. How I burn for you." 

His words were like a kind of magic. They rang through her ears and throughout her body like an explosion. "You're so beautiful. So volatile. Perfect..."

A loud guttural moan escaped her mouth as she came hard, her hips bucking up, her hands fisting in his hair. He kissed her lips as she trembled on and on, continuing to delve deep into her until he felt his own release building. He groaned her name as he shuddered against her. Her legs tightened around him and he hugged her close, lavishing never ending kisses on her parted lips.  

*Comment, like and share! Hmmm...Is anyone else warm or is it just them? Lol. I'll be updating soon.*

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