Untitled Part 2

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"Okay dad I'm ready!" Yelled Cana as she entered Gilldarts hotel room "okay one sec Cana ....... why are you wearing that?" He said with a glare eyeing the bikini top that Cana always wore. "whats the problem?"Cana asked confused " i always wear this top"

"The PROBLEM is that its barely atop! it doesn't cover any thing your completely exposed I will not allow you to go to a party dressed like that!" he fumed

"that's rich coming from you! You've barely been a father figure at all and you choose now of all times to start parenting"

"Well I've only known that your my daughter for 2 months. So I thought I might as well start acting like a parent since you've never really had anyone to tell you what was right or wrong. and as of now your no longer allowed to wear things like that." he said throwing a white button up shirt at her "put this on!"

what the hell ?! Like I'm gonna wear this! Yelled Cana

If you don't put that on I'll make sure you never see a drop of alcohol ever again!

 "Fine" growled Cana pulling the shirt over her bikini buttoning it to her collar bone  

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