Chapter 1 -Taken

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Yay for new, and much better Calum Hood fanfic! I've got good vibes for this one. The girl in the photo is who I picture as my main character, it's Maia Mitchell if you didn't know. You don't have to use her, but can if you want.

Vivienne's POV

I had everything.

I had parents who loved me dearly. They did everything they could to make sure I never went without anything. Paid for extra dance classes and spent too much on my prom dress.

I had great friends. I was sixteen years old, and just in my second year of high school, but everyone loved me. I was well liked, and I was kind. My outlook on the world was bright, nothing could take away my positive outlook.

I had a sweet boyfriend. His name was Gabe and he was your typical captain of the football team, jock boyfriend. We were cookie cutter perfect. He carried my books to class and kissed my cheek. Gave me his lettermans jacket when i was cold. I thought that I loved him. But little did I know, I had no idea what love actually meant back then.

"Are you ready for the party tonight?" My friend Katie asked.

"You know how I feel about parties, Katie." I huffed.

"Yeah yeah, but you're still going right? I mean, Gabe is going." She fixes her lipgloss in my vanity mirror.

"Yeah, I'm still going. We should probably get going actually. The others are waiting for us." I straightened the hem of my pink party dress and led Katie down the stairs of my house, shouting a quick 'I love you' and 'goodbye' to my parents that sat snuggled up on our living room couch.

We had been at the party for awhile. Talking with friends and drinking cherry vodka and Sprite from red solo cups. I wasn't much of a drinker, but when I was at a party I allowed myself to have a little alcohol to help loosen up the nerves that always felt so tightly wound.

But I was always too worried about the future to get drunk. I was afraid I would make a decision that might impact me down the line. I was going to go to college for photography one day and I didn't want to jeopardize my dreams. So, I slowly sipped my one drink for the night.

Katie and I wondered through the house more, heading towards the glass back door that lead out to the huge backyard garden, a pool filled with drunk teenagers sitting in the middle of it. It didn't take long for my football star boyfriend to spot me when we got outside.

"Babe! You're here!" Gabe says, grabbing my waist and pulling me next to him.

"I've been here for awhile Gabe, you didn't answer your phone." I could smell alcohol on his breath and his jacket stank of weed.

"Sorry baby, let me make it up to you." He grabs my chin and forces his lips on mine. The kisses are sloppy and his mouth tastes disgusting.

"Get off of me." I shove him away and start to walk towards the house again.

"Come on babe, I'm just trying to have some fun." Gabe says as he follows me through the yard.

"You know how I feel about this stuff, Gabe." I say over my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. Preparing for the future, big dreams, blah blah blah." He says with a drunken giggle.

"Why are you laughing? It's not funny at all." I stop in front of him as he almost collides with me.

"Because your future plans have turned you into a total prude Viv, we've had sex like twice in past 5 months. You're killing me." He tries to step towards me.

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