Chapter 15 - Bring Me Down

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I had been so afraid.

But now, more than anything I felt embarrassed. Was there no bit of bravery left in me? Could I really live in fear forever? Was there no fixing it?

I couldn't sleep, so I quietly padded down the hallway and into the kitchen where I desperately searched for alcohol. Anything. I didn't care what kind it was, I just needed it to make me sleep.

I finally found the bottle of amber liquid to the left of the sink. I grabbed a glass from the cabinet above and quickly poured a couple shots worth into the glass. I took a few sips, allowing myself to get used to it's bitter taste again. It warmed my blood and calmed my nerves.

"I'll have one of those." An unfamiliar voice says, almost making me spill my drink.

"I um...sorry if I woke you up." I say as the girl I assume to be Calums sister approaches me.

"Nah, can't sleep. Still buzzed from that concert I was at tonight. Like The 1975?" She asks, as she gets a glass of her own and pours some whiskey into it.

"Oh well, yeah. Yeah, they're great." I turn the glass in my hands nervously when she takes a seat next to me.

"Mali-Koa, by the way." She smiles and flips her dyed blonde hair back.

"Vivienne." I take another long sip.

"Ah, now I get it. You're THE girl." She sips again.

"The girl?" I cough a little when it burns my throat.

"The missing girl. The one Calum obsessed over finding for two years." She smirks before downing the rest of her drink.

"He...he found me." I say nervously.

"Look, I don't want to drag up old memories. It's just crazy to see you in person. You were like an unofficial member of our family for awhile, he wanted to find you so badly." She shakes her head and pours more in her glass.

"I haven't been very appreciative." I admit.

"Don't sweat it. You being here probably puts him more at ease than anything else. Calum hasn't had it easy." I can see the hurt in her face.

"I guess he and I have that in common." I huff, downing the rest of my drink.

"Might have more in common than just tragedy. You guys should talk some time. Really talk." Mali slides off her kitchen stool, taking her glass with her. "Night, Viv." She smiles kindly.

"Night." I say mostly to myself as she leaves the room.

I force down another glass before I stumble back to my own room, collapsing on the bed and drifting into a dreamless sleep. Just what I was going for.


Bacon consumes all my senses the next morning. But as good as it smells, my head is pounding from my quick fix last night.

I stumble to the bathroom and splash water on my face, but no matter how much I do, it doesn't make me look any less hungover. I throw my hair up and make my way towards the amazing smell.

I'm not surprised to see detective Hood standing shirtless in his kitchen making breakfast. The navy sweats he's wearing falling just above the curve of his perfect ass.

I had to stop myself right there. I have to stop checking him out right now. But his back is rippled with muscles and it's so hard to look away.

I'm biting my lip and clenching my thighs together as I stand in the door way. That is, until I'm embarrassingly caught.

"Vivienne?" He says.

"Yeah?" I say too quickly.

"Why are you just standing there?" He leans his hip against the counter, silver tongs in hand.

"I just...didn't want to startle you." I quickly look away from his knowing eyes and dash for the stools at the counter.

"Hungry?" He asks with a smirk.

"Starved." I reply. He rolls his eyes a bit, before turning back to the stove.


"Yes, Vivienne?"

"We" I say.

"I believe most people would call what we're doing right now, talking."

"No, I mean really talk. Like a conversation that doesn't involve you lecturing me or me pissing you off."

"What is it you want to talk about?" He smiles curiously, turning towards me.

"Anything. Do you like music?" I ask.

"Everyone likes music." He scoffs.

"What kind, jackass." I roll my eyes and he laughs again.

"What's this about, Vivienne?" He walks over and leans towards me over the counter and I instinctively lean more towards him.

"I just think if I'm staying here, we should know things about each other. Is that so wrong?" I say it more quietly now that he's so close to me.

"Don't feel obligated to know me, Vivienne. You might learn something you didn't want to." He says deeply.

"Of everything and everyone in this world, detective, I am not afraid of you." My eyes are glued to his and he doesn't look away.

"You're here, so I can keep you safe. We don't need to be pals." He stands back up straight and takes the pan off the burner, clanging it against the counter.

"You're impossible." I throw my hands up in defeat and stand up from the stool.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I need to start on my school stuff. Have a nice day, detective." Right as I'm leaving the kitchen, Mali comes walking in.

"Morning you two!" She says with a yawn. I scoff and walk past her as quick as I can, not bothering to listen to anything else they talked about.

I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text.

Are you busy?

Dean: Not really.

Can we just get coffee or something?

Dean: yeah. I'll come pick you up.

Great :)

I quickly send him the address and get dressed as quick as I can. Dean might be the distraction I need right now.

After about 30 minutes, I hear a honking outside, a smile bursting into my face as I dash for the front door.

"Vivienne? Who the hell is honking in front of my house?" Calum says, walking into the front room.

"A friend. I'll be back later." I start to open the door but he stops me again.

"What about school?" He says.

"I'll do it later. Jesus, get out of the way." I force the door open and walk outside. Calum slams the door shut behind me making me jump.

I shake him off and smile at Dean, who's waiting at the end of the drive way to open my car door for me.

"Nice to see you again." He pushes his glasses up on his nose.

"Nice to see you too." I bite my lip as I slide into the passenger seat.

"Where did you want to get coffee?" Dean asks.

"Anywhere but here." I say.

A/n: this is kind of short and I'm sorry. I swear I'll keep trying to do better.

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