January 1, 2015

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January 1, 2015


It started with me making tea. I had my tea bags and sugar ready, until I heard a rather loud knock at my apartment door. I went to answer it, and there stood a boy about my height with floppy brown hair and hazel eyes. He was stunning, to be honest.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, I'm Chris, by the way. Do you happen to have a screwdriver of some sort?" He asked me, in a fast paced, slightly higher toned voice.

"Um, I'll check..." I replied nervously. Well, I'm pretty sure he saw it as being weirded out. I wasn't weirded out, and I didn't think he was creepy. Honestly, I liked him. He had the guts to go to his neighbour's door and ask for a screwdriver, which is something I could never do.

As I checked my junk drawers, the thought of why he might need a screwdriver entered my mind. I'll ask him at the door, I thought to myself. I returned with the few screwdrivers that I had, and asked him the three questions that changed the rest of my life.

"So, Chris, which screwdriver do you need, and If you don't mind me asking, why do you need a screwdriver? Also, are you new here? I've never seen you before." I say. He blushed.

"Um, my door kind of, fell off... And yeah, I moved in yesterday." He mumbles quietly. I then smiled and handed him the screwdrivers in my hand, letting him know that if he needs help, I'm here. As I shut the door, I then remembered that he didn't know my name.

I forgot to tell him.


So, this is literally my first attempt at a kickthestickz story.

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